Here you will find 25 of the best Wandering Wise Men ideas. These fun scenarios will delight both you and your children as the wise men seek out Jesus this Christmas.
This is a great Christian tradition that is an alternative to “Elf on the Shelf.”
What are the Wandering Wise Men?
The wandering wise men is a newer Christmas tradition (at least to me), playing off of the idea of “Elf on the Shelf.”
So many want to keep Jesus at the center of Christmas. After all, his birth is the reason we celebrate.
Rather than having an elf go around your home doing goofy things (which I am very entertained with, by the way), the thought is to have the wise men wandering your home searching for the baby Jesus.
Your wise men can leave important messages that point to Jesus. Scripture can be used as a bouncing point for ideas. I also think there is no reason why your wandering wise men can’t have a little bit of fun too.
What do you think happens on Christmas day? The baby Jesus is found in the nativity, and we all celebrate.
People are labeling this tradition “Wandering Wise Men ADVENTures.” So adorable!
Where do I find the Wandering Wise Men Figurines?
Playmobil has a great wise men set to go with their nativity set.
We have the Fisher Price nativity set. My kids have loved this version, and it comes with the wise men.
Any nativity set that includes wise men and that you are not concerned will break will work just fine.
25 of the Best Wandering Wise Men Ideas
Loving the thought of this tradition, I have compiled 25 great ideas that will have your children both entertained and yet filled with anticipation for the birth of Jesus.
These Wandering Wise Men ideas I found throughout the web. I hope you will click through to each of these sites to give some love to the bloggers who came up with the brilliant scenarios in the first place.
Looking on Google maps for Bethlehem – At “A Fly on our (Chicken Coop) Wall” you find this idea of having the wise men look on a phone (or you could use a computer) at Google maps. So cute. Please head over to her site because she has 4 more great ideas there.
Wise Men Adventuring on Candy Canes to Find Jesus – How adorable is this? I love the scripture that is incorporated.
I always like to link back to the original source for ideas. Unfortunately, the link followed on Pinterest just landed on a photo page. Please contact me if this is your photo!
Wise Men Taking Airplane – These wisemen seemed to tire of walking. Why wander around when you can catch a nearby jet? This was one of the many ideas found on the Facebook page of Jennifer Warner Wright. She said I could share her photos with you.
Finding Gold for Jesus – Jennifer Warner Wright also came up with this idea. The wise men did bring gifts of gold. I’m pretty sure you her kids were as delighted as mine would be finding the wise men surrounded by gold…I mean chocolate.
Wandering Wise Men Coloring Themselves – “Look to Him to Be Radiant” had this clever idea. I love the thought of the wise men finding a coloring sheet and coloring a picture of themselves. This site has a number of other great ideas.
The Wandering Wise Men Send Off – This might be a fun first day to start your Wandering Wise Men tradition. Every great seeker needs a proper send off. I love all the supporters ushering in the way of the Lord. You have Jennifer Warner Wright to thank for this fun idea.
But First Coffee – This Wandering Wise Men idea is so cute. Even wise men, apparently, need a little boost to keep themselves going. This was another Pinterest link that just went to a photo.
Wandering Wise Men Rest – If God took a day of rest, the wise men can too. This is a fun way to celebrate day number seven of the ADVENTures of the wise men.
Wandering Wise Men Search with Flashlight – You should see all of the photos of the wise men with flashlights. So cute. There are a number of other great ideas if you follow the link. Prepare to be inspired.
Wise Men Go Door to Door – These wisemen are checking everywhere. No Jesus here. Just a bird. Dry Creek Academy is where you find this fun idea.
Wandering Wise Men Spreading the Good News – Our Wandering Wise Men Facebook Friend, Jennifer Warner Wright, also gets credit for this clever idea.
I love the thought of incorporating scripture into the Wandering Wise Men ADVENTure series. As we want to constantly point our kids back to Jesus, this is the perfect way. “Glory to God” is absolutely right!
Wandering Wise Men Oatmeal Angels – The wise men were inspired by the angels that spread the good news about Jesus’ birth. Everyone can stop for a little fun every once in a while.
Wandering Wise Men find Car Keys – According to “Green Around the Edges,” the wise men found great potential when they discovered the car keys. That should get them where they are going much faster. This site has more ideas to discover also!
Wandering Wise Men First Day Letter – The wise men have a story of how it all began for them. Start of the ADVENTure with a note about the star. The link just lands on another image page.
Wandering Wise Men Teach Fruit of the Spirit – The wise men know who they are looking for. Did they know that the fruit of the Spirit would also be revealed through the Savior.
The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. What great characteristics.
If you want to work with these traits on your kids, you should definitely check out my character development series.
Thank you, Jennifer Warner Wright, for this idea.
The Wise Men Discuss Gifts – The Wandering Wise Men know what giving really means. They were giving their gifts to the King of the World.
The Wandering Wise Men Point to the Light of the World – This candle is a reminder of who the wise men are looking for – the light of the world. He came down into darkness to be the light and show us what light really is.
This is another great idea from Jennifer Warner Wright.
Wandering Wise Men Play Farkle – It’s a long journey searching for Jesus. These wise men were definitely ready for a game break. These are my kind of guys! This fun idea was found at Shower of Roses.
Wandering Wise Men Read Stories about Themselves – These curious little wise men seek out the children’s Bible or other Christmas storybooks to hear about their story. This fun idea was found at Adventures in Mommydom.
Wandering Wise Men Leave an Important Message – These wise men earned their names. This is such a wise message to share with the world. They certainly lived it out once they found the baby Jesus. Those were some fine gifts. Jennifer Warner Wright’s Facebook page shared this idea.
Wandering Wise Men Snowball Fight – Elves aren’t the only ones that have fun. Who can resist the snow and a classic snowball fight? This one was accomplished with marshmallows and powdered sugar.
The Wandering Wise Men Bring Donuts – I’m sure your kids will really appreciate it if the wise men bring gifts to them too. Who can resist a great donut?
There are tons of ideas found on their site “The Traveling Wise Men.”
Wandering Wise Men Get Trapped – Oh no! What happened to these poor wise men? Well, at least they have a word of encouragement.
Wandering Wise Men on Typical Road Trip – I think every parent can relate to this typical road trip scene. Do you think the wise men struggled the way we seem to when traveling together?
The Wandering Wise Men Find Jesus – What happens when the wandering wise men find Jesus? They realize they were not the only ones looking. Look at that line up! This is another idea from Jennifer Warner Wright.
Just a Little Wise Men Information for Ya: It is believed that the wise men were not actually at the birth of Jesus. Early tradition place their arrival 13 days after Jesus’ birth. Read more about that here.
I hope you are inspired by this little Wandering Wise Men journey. If you have always wanted to enjoy the concept of “Elf on the Shelf,” but felt a desire to keep Jesus at the center, this is a great alternative.
Note: Many of these pictures just let to a picture landing page. If these pictures are yours, and you would like a link credit, please let me know. Thanks!
Still Want to Do Elf on the Shelf?
Why not check out the Elf on the Shelf that Made the NICE list!
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