Christmas day can pull you in a lot of different directions. Rather than trying to fit another thing in on Christmas day, my family has decided to celebrate Christmas on New Years Day. We had a wonderful celebration together. Unfortunately, my little sister and some of her 5 kids got the flu. Her flu just turned into pneumonia too. This has been the worst flu season I ever remember experiencing. We were sad they weren’t there, but we made the best of it with those who were.
We had a fun afternoon playing games and talking.
We then had a fabulous dinner.
We made homeless packs (to be featured tomorrow), and then had a visit from “Santa.” One of the dads is always Santa. It has been a tradition ever since I was little. It took me forever to figure it out. My husband got the privilege this year, and he did a great job. It was his first experience.
We then had a small gift exchange where everyone received a gift.
I love my family, and our gatherings are always fun. Merry Christmas, Everyone.