“Make every effort to live in peace with all men.” – Hebrews 12:14A
peace (ps)
Word Ring
1. The absence of war or other hostilities.
2. An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities.
3. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: roommates living in peace with each other.
4. Public security and order: was arrested for disturbing the peace.
5. Inner contentment; serenity: peace of mind.
Reason Chosen: Our house hasn’t seemed very peaceful this last week. The girls have always gotten along well. It has been a blessing. However, recently they seem to have figured out how to aggravate each other. Most of the time they do OK, but it definitely has become apparent that living in harmony with each other is something that needs to be a focus. My kids have also had a lot of verbal energy lately…very loud voices. It’s something I want to try and tame a bit. God wants us to live in peace – both within our spirit and within our relationships. It takes us partnering with Him to make it happen.
Word Ring