This blog isn’t about being Martha Stewart. It’s not about having something pinnable every day. Yes, it’s fun to have those things. It’s fun for me, and I think it’s fun for my readers. However, I mostly want to be inspiring others to do something…anything to be more intentional with their kids. This doesn’t always need to look like pulling out all the paints and craft supplies. It isn’t about being super clever and creative. It is about taking the time to be with your kids in a way that is meaningful to them. So, today comes with very few bells and whistles. Today is just a simple message that you can do something to be more intentional in your lives with your children. We worked on writing letters and numbers. These wonderful trace and wipe books were purchased at Costco a long time ago. They’re one of the tools I’ve used to teach Abigail to write. Now, it’s Kenzie’s turn. She did great, catching on quickly. I even let Corban have a go with the markers. Don’t feel pressure to be a Super Mom. Just try and stop living in a bunch of “I really should…” moments with your kids. Get involved. Start with something simple.
I love this and the reminder that meaningful time with our children doesn’t need to be “pinable” to be of much value.
I know. It’s hard in the blogging world, and I just need to remind myself that sometimes just taking time to play what they want to play, read with them or do the basics is what will really speak to them on any given day.