I love word pictures. A wonderful word picture for faithfulness is gravity. The law of gravity is a law on this earth. Showing kids a concept like gravity demonstrates perfectly how you can rely on something that is faithful. The activity today was simple. All we did was take things and drop them. I asked them why things fell to the earth? They didn’t know. I said, “Gravity.” They had heard this word before and had a vague memory, but I refreshed their memory. The simple kid definition I gave is, “There is a force that always pulls things to the earth.” You want to always try to follow through on what you say or even the content of your character to show this kind of consistency. You need to be reliable and loyal – trusted . Just as we can learn to trust gravity to always want to pull things to earth, we can trust God’s faithfulness to follow through on His promises. We, too, want to learn to be faithful in our words and actions. I was inspired to do this idea after looking at this website.