I always like to give my kids a firm foundation of their understanding for the word of the week. Sometimes others are better equipped to describe things. For some reason humility was difficult for me to explain. It seems to be that it is better described by talking about its antonym, pride. I tried to describe it well and emphasize it by using our “I Will” statements. However, I also was able to find a couple resources to help. One that is available to you is Jelly Telly. Click through to find a great short video on humility. Another resource was at our church library. They have a character series called, “Help Me Be Good.” It has been a great resource for us, and if you’ve been following along with our character development series, you have already heard me talk about these books. Today we read one their books called, “Showing Off,” by Joy Berry. It tackled pride perfectly. It really sowed me that one of the major problems with pride is thinking you are better than others. This just destroys relationships. The bigger issue, of course, is that pride eliminates our recognition of our need for God. I wanted to give you a link to the box set. You can also buy books individually for $5 each.
“He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble His way.” – Psalm 25:9