I love interactions with my readers. It brings so much more depth into these studies on character development. There was a comment on our fairness test day that basically commented that life isn’t fair. This mom from Highhill Homeschool very accurately pointed out that life isn’t fair. She is living with a child who has Leukemia. Is that fair? Absolutely not! Fairness really isn’t a biblical concept. Justice is, and we can trust that God is just. However, it is beyond obvious that life isn’t fair. Despite that, I do believe that God is constantly urging us to stand up for justice and do what we can to contribute to seeking justice, especially for the hurting in this life. We are so happy there is a hope that someday justice will be taken care of from God’s perfect perspective. We have hope that we are headed to a place with no more pain and no more suffering. However, while on this earth, we do have a responsibility to love deeper than we can even imagine. While teaching our kids about the importance to treat others fairly, it is also important to teach that life isn’t always fair. Just because they are good doesn’t mean they are promised a perfect life. There is a lack of fairness in this world, and it becomes about trusting God in the midst of it all and accepting and making the most of the situations we are given in this life. It is also about making a difference. Today was about exposing my kids to the concept that life isn’t fair by showing the contrast of situations kids are born into through images I found.
Alone vs. Surrounded by Loving Family
Hungry vs. Satisfied
Healthy vs. Sick
Having a Little vs. Having a Lot