Disney Frozen DIY Ice Castles from Sand Castle Molds
Does the love of Disney’s Frozen ever wane? My kids have watched it a number of times, and I have too. It hasn’t gotten old yet. This Disney Frozen DIY Ice Castles from Sand Castle Molds captured my children’s imagination for quite some time. When the castles began to waste away to nothing, they quickly tried to preserve them by sticking them back into the freezer to use again later. Little did they know that I could make more castles just as quickly as I made the first ones. These frozen castles were so easy to make. I am writing today for Kids Activities Blog, so I would love you to head on over to the post about how to make these frozen castles to learn the simple steps. I love play that sparks a child’s own imagination. You will have to click over to see how my son decided to get in on the play with his own figurines. I love to promote creative play and want to share with you some other ideas that might spark your child’s imagination.
Garden Fairy Butterfly Wands – These wands can be quickly made for your children, and it uses their help in creation. Once made, they transport a child into a their own fairy imaginative world.
Costumes & Easy to Make, Child-Driven Set Design – Click on over to see how easy it is for kids to create their own sets so they can put on their own theatrical productions. Combine set ideas with costume changes, and your kids will be able to create show after show that will entertain both them and their audience.
I hope you are inspired by ways to spark a child’s imagination. I know that often kids don’t need much more than a stick to get their brains humming. However, I’ve also witnessed first hand how providing some materials and show them out-0f-the-box ways to use common items helps take creativity to a whole new level. Have fun creating how own ice castles, fairy wands and sets for creative play.