Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and this gummy bear Valentine printable for kids is the perfect classroom gift for your child’s classmates. This is a free printable, and an inexpensive way to give an absolutely adorable Valentine to friends at school. If you are looking for more ideas, you might enjoy my S’More Valentines, “You Rock” printable or Valentine juice box idea. You can also head to my Valentine’s Day tab so see my wide variety of food, crafts and activities.
These gummy bear Valentine’s are not too expensive. I bought a huge bag of gummy bears in the bulk section of Winco for less than $5. I made you a free printable, and I had the snack bags on hand. I made 24 of these bags and had loads of gummy bears left over. This makes this a very reasonably priced Valentine’s Day treat to pass out in your children’s class.
I also wanted to make a fun printable design for you. Have you heard that Aztec pattern is the new chevron? Chevron was trending for so long, but the Aztec pattern designs have recently crept up to become popular in paper, clothing and textile design. I wanted this Valentine printable to mimic the trending Aztec look, which I have quickly come to love myself. Funny how trends work on your brain that way.
Materials to Make Gummy Bear Valentines for Kids
* Affiliate links added for your convenience. *
- Bulk Gummy Bears
- Snack Sized Ziplock Bags
- Glue Dots or Double Stick Tape (I ended up liking to work with double stick tape best.)
- Free Gummy Bear Valentine Printable Printed on Card Stock
How to Make Gummy Bear Valentine Printable
- Print out gummy bear Valentine printable onto paper – card stock is preferred.
- Using a paper cutter for ease (affiliate link added for your convenience), cut out printable. If it’s a safe paper cutter, kids can help with this process.
- Fold printable in half and haver kids write names of kids in their class on the back side.
- Fill your snack bags half full of gummy bears. Kids can help do this too.
- The final step is to use double stick tape or glue dots and attach the folded printable over the top of the bag.
I think the whole class will love receiving this and your child would love handing them out. I hope you find the free printable useful and have a wonderful Valentine celebration this year.
I really liked the gummy bear printout but couldn’t get it to work.
Oh my word. I wish I was more on top of my comments and had found this earlier. It’s been a busy week. I’m so sorry it didn’t work for you. Here’s an updated link that should be better in case you want to do it in the future. I’m so sorry.
Hello! I’ve tried to click on the link in the post as well as the one in the comment above and neither seem to work. I know this post is from last year, but can you post an updated link? Thank you!
I have no idea why it is not working. It works for me. I’ll try and email the content to you. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks!
Hi There! Would you mind emailing to me as well. Love the idea and would like to use it but also am having a hard time opening any of the links. Thanks!
Oh man – I missed the boat, didn’t I? I am so confused why people are having a hard time. I might need to go check it out in different browsers to try and trouble shoot. Thanks for letting me know. Sorry I didn’t respond earlier. Please let me know if you’d still like it.