This kirigami paper flower tutorial will help you create the most beautiful display that will hopefully help usher in spring. Are you ready for a new season as much as I am? I’m a Seattle girl through and through, but I am feeling ready for this rain to bring in the flowers that I love. If you love paper flowers, you also might enjoy this pinwheel version or these spiral paper flowers.
What is kirigami? Kirigami is a variation of origami that includes cutting.
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Kirigami Paper Flower Tutorial
My daughter, Abigail, was the one who provided me with this kirigami paper flower tutorial. I was tucking her in one night, and I noticed a display of gorgeous flowers hung on her wall. I inquired about them, and she had learned to do them at school. That afternoon she sat in her room and created. She showed me how to do them, and they were super easy and yet I couldn’t find a tutorial online. I knew it would be something my Meaningful Mama friends would enjoy teaching their kids, so I put together a YouTube video tutorial as well as this written and photo kirigami paper flower tutorial.
Materials Needed to Make Kirigami Paper Flowers
- Paper – single or double sided. This can be solid colored paper
or patterned paper
. It is easier to cut thinner paper, but stock paper works as well (might be harder for small kids). I linked to origami paper. It is not what I used, but it is already cut to square and is a great weight for folding.
- Scissors
- Scotch Tape
Kirigami Paper Flower Tutorial
- If not using origami paper, cut your paper to square (I love my paper cutter
for this). We made big ones with 12 inch square paper, but I really like the 6″ x 6″ size the best.
- Fold diagonally to create a triangle.
- Fold diagonally again.
- Fold diagonally one last time.
- Prepare to cut. Above shows the cut line. You can do this without drawing the line. I drew the line so you could see exactly the cut – starting at one dot and curving around the edge toward the other. Drawing the cut line might be helpful for younger kids.
6. Cut where indicated.
7. The upper right picture (above) shows your next cut lines. Again, you do not need to draw these in unless you think they would be helpful for the kids. As you can see, the cut goes all the way off the edge on one side but not the other. They go all the way to the edge on the side that is more open rather than the side that was connected by the fold at that last inch. Watching the video will help you understand.
8. Cut accordingly.
9. Put a tape piece, rolled in a circle, right in the center of your paper flower.
10. Take the center strip of a pedal and gently fold it toward the center, sticking it down on the tape. You will do this four times, working your way around the flower.
These are beautiful as is, but I love the double layered kirigami flower look. It is the process of taking two of these and stacking them, offset, on top of each other. You can do this with paper of two different patterns, the same pattern or using a solid colored paper. There are so many potential beautiful combinations. Simply use a rolled piece of tape to stick them together.
Kirigami Paper Flower Video Tutorial
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More Images of Kirigami Paper Flowers
Directly above are examples from my daughter’s classroom. I’m thankful for an amazing art teacher and a school that still believes in the importance of the arts.
Easy and beautiful! Hope to see more simple and lovely cuttings!
Thanks! So glad you like this. It’s such a fun paper craft!