“So in everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you.” – Matthew 7:12
This week we are focusing on the word thoughtfulness. For those of you new to Meaningful Mama, we are spending a whole year working every day on character. That is one new lesson or experience working on the “word of the week.” This lesson is a simple idea focusing on the importance of thoughtfulness to neighbors.
Part of teaching thoughtfulness is helping kids be aware of the needs of others. In the story of the good Samaritan, Jesus teaches us to care for our neighbors. In the story, the neighbor was the person in need. Who decided to help? Was it the religious people? No. In this story, it was someone that would have been considered an enemy. A good Samaritan, is someone who chooses to love their neighbor because it is the good and the right thing to do. They put aside their own agenda to make time to care for the needs of others. For an amazing and thought provoking book on the topic, I highly recommend reading “Tea with Hezbollah” by Ted Dekker. (affiliate link)
Our neighbor’s mom has been at the hospital, so she has been visiting the hospital a lot. That’s hard on any family. So, today we decided to make them some bread and cards. I wanted to teach our kids about loving our neighbor. In this instance, it was a literal neighbor but remember that “neighbor” really means anyone in need.
We prayed together for our neighbor and her mom. Then, we were able to make our delivery of bread and homemade cards. I wanted our lessons in thoughtfulness to be tangible and real world. The question I have for you is, “What neighbor can you reach out to serve and show thoughtfulness to today?” There is no lesson better for kids than modeling and living out what they are being taught.