I have a silly little tip for decorating cupcakes with sprinkles. It can be a real messy hassle, can’t it? Hopefully, this simple tip will help make it easier for you.
What I do is I set my cooling rack onto a jelly roll pan. If you do that, you have a little catch pan where the sprinkles can fall. This will help you avoid a huge mess on our countertops. It also makes it so much easier to have your kids help, which I always encourage. You may have already come up with your own solution, but I’ve experimented enough and observed enough to know that sprinkles can cause a lot of trouble and may even be a deterrent in decorating. These are mini cupcakes I made for a large group of kids. It is always just a fun and whimsical way to decorate that delights children. Perhaps having this tip in your back pocket will help encourage you to add these colorful balls of fun.
Such a great tip! Sprinkles can get so messy and this is a great way to contain all the fun 🙂
Thank you! I was wondering if it was too simple to post, but I have had a few comments on different social media arenas, so I’m glad I did the post.