Next, I put the plates down in a 3×3 formation, and the girls took turns throwing their bean bags onto the plates. I read the phrase when they landed on the yellow plates and had them smile. I gave a frown when they landed on read. We then talked about how you can choose joy even if the situation isn’t ideal.Amazing how God chooses exactly what he needs me to be working on in my own life. Here were my “choose joy” statements for the day.
I CHOOSE JOY when Corban knocks over a huge glass of juice as we are trying to leave the house.
I CHOOSE JOY as Corban poops twice in a row as we are trying to leave the house and then twists and fights off a diaper change.
I CHOOSE JOY as Corban runs out of the house with no shoes on resulting in soaking wet socks that I need to change.
I CHOOSE JOY as Kenzie is crying and whining.
I CHOOSE JOY as Corban cries 75% of the hour long visit to the doctor because he has a massive ear infection.
I CHOOSE JOY as blogger is not responding properly and posting takes twice as long as I wanted.
I love this post! I saw it on TGIF as I am behind in my “blogger news feed” reading this weekend. We will be working on joy this week as I am now one week behind you in character development skills, which actually works out well. I agree God continues to teach me new things as I am teaching my children about character. God spoke to me in the past 2 weeks even on obedience. 🙂 thanks for sharing your heart!
I love that you are one week behind. I’ve felt bad that I haven’t been more on top of it to give you a heads up to what comes next in our character development. I also love that you paused to work on things more. I probably should have done that with a couple weeks too but have felt a need to propel forward. It would probably be a good testimony if I didn’t or even revisited a topic that isn’t quite settling in. Thanks so much.
I hi there. I’m a Sunday school teacher in Brazil working on a special activity day for national kid’s day here. Your blog came as an answer to my prayers. Your activities will be great activities. Our focus this year is joy! Thank you so much for sharing all of this and may God bless you and your family.
So glad to help. I’m so glad you found me. You’ll be able to find many activities on joy and then even more Bible lessons when you hover over my kids tab. Let me know if I can help at all!