I like to say I have “curious” and “creative” kids. I celebrate that. They are bright, interactive, assertive and funny. With those personality traits also brings an array of other adventures that I want to celebrate with you using the phrase that runs through my mind often, “Are you kidding me?” – #AreYouKIDdingMeKids. You may have also read the post I wrote called, “Kids are Disgusting.” That tribute to children also would fit under the “Are you kidding me?” category.
We are looking at those moments in parenting where you say to yourself, “I’m going to laugh about this later.” There are so many of those instances in our life, and I want to launch a campaign to celebrate those moments as a community? “Celebrate?” you may ask yourself. Absolutely. We will laugh about it later, so why don’t we just all laugh about it now? Our children’s antics are just one of the many things that unite moms. By seeing all of the crazy stuff other kids are doing, you will be affirmed that it’s not just your child. Perhaps they are simply curious and creative kids that are seeking to understand and explore their world in their own unique way.
Yes, these moments will drive you crazy at times. “Where’s the Magic Eraser?” will continue to leave your mouth through gritted teeth. Perhaps this #AreYouKIDdingMeKids pursuit will help your gritted teeth turn into a smile and a laugh quicker as you see that you are not alone.
Today I want to share with you some examples from my own life and the lives of some of my friends. What is going to happen next is really fun, and I hope you join me with your own pictures. I want to see all of the pictures of the crazy things your kids have done. You have different ways to share with me. You can share on Twitter using #AreYouKIDdingMeKids. You can also use that hashtag if you share on your Instagram board (make sure it is a public board if you want me to see it). I am also inviting you to share on my Facebook board or simply email me your pictures. I am starting a fun Instagram board where I share all of your “Are you kidding me?” moments. I have also launched a new website at www.areyoukiddingmekids.com that will feature all of the fabulous photos I receive.I can’t wait to laugh along with you. My laughs might come quicker than yours do, but they will come…one day…trust me.
This is the moment that inspired the entire “Are You Kidding Me?” campaign. I guess we should be more specific when we ask our kids to go take a bath.
Nothing makes me happier than my son’s happy face drawings…unless they are on the door and walls. Time for a new paint job.
Anyone up for some baking? Of course, the accused couldn’t get away with much leaving their own footprint behind at the scene. Thanks, Katlyn from What’s Up Fagans
Paper is overrated. Thanks to Kelly from The (Reformed) Idealist Mom
When asked why, she said she thought her toothbrush was there.
I’ve observed. I know how this works. Lipstick is for your mouth, right?
I hope seeing these has you digging through your own cell phones, Facebook or Instagram history and pictures so that you can share your own “Are You Kidding Me?” moments.
Disclosure: By sharing, you allow me to post your picture to my Instagram page, Facebook or blog.
I can’t wait to follow along on this new website! It’s so much easier to see the humor when other people’s children do these things than when you’re in the moment yourself, lol!
So glad you’ll be following along. It’s been really funny to see all the submissions come in. Make sure to send me pictures you’d want added. 🙂