“For the Lord gives wisdom, and from His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. “Proverbs 2:6
To teach wisdom, we built a tower. I had the girls try and build a tall tower. Then, I taught them how to build a tower with more stability. I taught them how to have a wide solid foundation and build a stable structure. I then told them that each block represents a wise choice in life. If we make wise choices we have a solid tower that can stand strong and function really well. I then treated the tower like Jenga and began to take pieces out. I showed them how things fell apart once we took away some of the good choices. Next, I had them build a tower where they were suppose to leave gaps. Those gaps represented a bad choice. Without the wise choices, the structures integrity is at risk, which can cause destruction. Their tower fell quickly. Our character and lives are made up of thousands of small decisions that contributes to the overall effect we can have in this world. Of course our foundation for wisdom is based on our love of the Lord and His ways. The choices we make from there determine our strength of character.