There is no greater picture of faithfulness than that God demonstrates to us daily. However, he also gave us a picture of what faithfulness could look like on earth, and that’s the commitment between a husband and wife. Unfortunately, in our society this analogy seems to fall short. Divorce is too easily accepted as a solution rather than sticking to the vows said to one another. That said, my husband and I are determined to stick to our vows. Will it be work? Yes. Have been already been working to establish a firm foundation? Yes. We are huge proponents of marriage and hold very closely the vows we made to each other on the day of our wedding. We want our marriage to be a small glimpse at what the term faithfulness means. Therefore, today I had the girls watch our wedding video. They were excited to be able to do this, and had smiles while watching. We had a great video done by a friend – spliced together nicely and set to music with some of our back story, wedding and reception. I then explained to the girls that faithfulness means following through on your promises. I said, “Your dad and I made ‘vows,’ which are promises, that we would be together forever. We want you to understand that we are going to be faithful to one another and always stay together.” Following through on your vows will be the greatest example of faithfulness that will impact your kids. A moment like this can make a huge impact on your kids and create a security in their lives that a huge number of kids never experience.
That is so sweet. I have a feeling it meant the world to your daughters. Also it must have made them feel relieved, in a world filled with friends’ parents divorcing, etc, to know that you place such a strong value on your vows.
Aww – we are studying faithfulness this week and I remember this time in your life! I remember how happy Luke was for you and the absolute joy that your loved ones had in seeing how faithful God was to you, and how faithful you were to one another. I have never looked at wedding pictures with the kids, but they love the picture of us on the wall in our house. I can’t wait to share this activity with them.
Luke did such a great job with our video. It still brings us a lot of joy to watch. I’d like to make it an anniversary tradition.