One of the components of responsibility is having more that is expected of you and following through. I had great intentions with our chore chart, but I must admit that I haven’t been as diligent in the follow through. Best intentions. I really should get more on top of that. We’re going to take baby steps this week, and today I have given them one chore they are responsible for this week. We brainstormed a few things they might be able to do around the house, and then they chose. I loved to see Abigail following through on being the hero by telling Kenzie she could choose first. Kenzie chose emptying the dishwasher. Abigail being in charge of shoes (my kids love to leave their shoes all over the house). She will need to pick up all shoes and keep the shoe cubbies in the front closet organized. They have a sticker chart and will receive a prize if their responsibilities get completed every day this week.
I’m not a mom but I really admire the way you are so present in your parenting. I can just imagine what a great place it would be if all parents took their responsibility as seriously as you do.
I’m passing along the Sunshine Award to you today. Because you give me hope…and I like your blog 😉 Come on over to Etcetorize to check it all out!
Thank you very much. I’ll try to find the time to complete that soon. I really appreciate your sweet words.