Finally, a snowman craft. I got inspiration from Happy Home Fairy who has a number of both snowman and snowflake crafts posted.
At last count, today we have had 6 inches of snow. So, it was time to go outside for sledding, snow angels, snow eating and building a snowman.
After that, we came inside to warm up with some hot chocolate and popcorn. We used our Snowman Marshmallow Dispenser too.
Materials Needed:
* Paper
* Cotton Balls
* Buttons
* Googly Eyes
* Q- Tips
* Glue
* White Paint
* Pencil
* Paper Plate to pour glue & paint
Let me first say that it takes all my self control to let my children have their own artistic bent on my crafts. For blogging and display I would love the cute little fingerprints and googly eyes that weren’t huge and buttons that were in the right place. I had to let it go because Kenzie wanted crazy big eyes with no mouth and Abby wanted her snowman in a blizzard. So, it’s definitely their creations.
First, I drew out three balls in the shape of the snowman. With the Q-Tip, I had them spread the glue and then pull the cotton apart to stick on the snowman. I then had them choose their buttons, eyes, pre-cut hat and arms. After all that was glued down they were able to dip their fingers in white paint and create the snow.
Love your blog!! And guess what, I’ve given you the Liebster Award! Check out this post: