A car party has been in my mind since the inception of the blog. I can’t believe it took so long to make it happen. I’ve even had the Dollar Store accessories in the trunk for months. This is a really fun idea for an errand day or on a road trip. I bought beads, party hats, hand clappers and blowers at the Dollar Store. I made a disc of “party” music. Please be aware of lyrics. Kids pick up on them so quickly. I must confess that there were a couple songs I added to our CD that I didn’t realize had questionable lyrics until they played. Suddenly, I was aware and was able to skip, but it’s better to prepare ahead of time. Hand out your party accessories at a road stop or at the beginning of the trip, pump up the music and let the dancing and party begin. The kids are going to get into to it much more if you’re willing to jam while you are driving too, so be prepared to get some stares from other drivers.
We did something very similar to this for a looooong 14 hour drive to California last month and it worked wonders! Gotta love the Dollar Store:)
great idea! will be trying it when we trek across the south in September!