I’m reading a fabulous book that is really challenging me. It is called, “Interrupted.” It talks about what Jesus focused on while on this earth – people. It shows how Jesus challenged us to forget self and serve “the least of these.” His heart was for God, yes, but that manifested itself in the love of people. He said that what we do for the poor, the hungry and the hurting, we are doing for him. We are called to love, and that means getting uncomfortable and dying more to self. A small way we, as a family, are doing this is through World Vision. A while back, we decided to sponsor a child. This really does feel small to me, and I’m not sharing all this to say, “Wow! Look what I’m doing.” I have so far to go and know there is more ahead on this journey as I’m learning to have more of Christ’s heart. However, this was a small step, and I want to encourage my readers to take a step toward illeviating some of the pain, poverty, and injustice in the world. I have put World Vision’s info on my side bar if you have interest in starting there. We are sponsoring a girl and spent some time praying, writing and drawing pictures for her.