When talking about us all having a purpose, I couldn’t help but think of the Bible passage about us being one part of the whole body of Christ. I’ve done an activity about it before when we were talking about humility. I even traced their bodies like this time. Today, I put a different spin on it. I traced Kenzie’s body, and then I cut it up into all different parts to make it like a body puzzle. We talked about how important every piece is and how all our body parts have a different purpose. We talked about the purpose of each part as we pieced it back together. I then related to the Bible passage found in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. This passage talks about the important purpose of everyone in the body of Christ. It shows how each individual has certain gifts and abilities that help the body function as a whole. Each part is important.
Very good idea! Your blog is very useful when it comes to Character Education.
Thanks so much. Glad you found the series. I love to be a resource for people in that area.