Trying to think of what to buy for Christmas has been challenging for me. My girls have not gravitated to any particular toys. When I was little, I remember playing with my Little People forever. Then, when I had Barbies, I created entire worlds there and was occupied forever. My kids – not so much. I have decided not to go the Barbie route – mostly because most of the outfits aren’t as modest as I’d like. I understand why people do, and I really don’t have issues with it. Just for our family, we’ve decided against it. We bought an alternative with lots of clothes and accessories, but they haven’t really taken to it. I have no desire to buy stuff they’re not going to touch except for the occasional play and then inevitably leave out. However, I do want to find some things for them. When it comes down to it, I think they all enjoy building and creating. Our legos, blocks and craft stuff is what they play with most. Yesterday, Abby spent quite a bit of time trying to make it like Elf in here cutting out snowflake after snowflake. This lead me to consider Lakeshore Learning. Being a teacher by trade, I am pretty familiar with this store. I used to live closer to it, but I still have made the hour long trek just to go. My church was gifted money to buy new toys for the toddler room, and they asked me to come along to help them make choices. I had so much fun. The aisles are packed with great toys, games and materials that foster creativity and thinking. I want to go explore the local store a bit in Bellevue (11027 N.E. 4th St. Bellevue, WA 98004 for you locals) to find some more options, but I found a couple things online that I knew would be great choices for my kids. The great thing is that because I’m familiar with the quality of the products in these stores, I don’t have to order with worry. I can have confidence in what they are offering. OK – for my first choice:
Because my kids love building, and they also really love magnets, I know these are going to be the perfect choice. My husband was pretty excited that we ordered this too. I think we’ll all love creating with these.
I’m intrigued by these magnetic gears. I’ve never seen anything like this before, and I think my kids will love putting together different combinations on our refrigerator and making them go. I love having magnet toys on the refrigerator so they have something to do while I’m making dinner or doing dishes.
Any other ideas? I’m in search. I need to head to the actual Lakeshore Learning Store, and I know I won’t come back empty handed. I never do. However, this is the only shopping I’ve done, and I’d love to know what you’ve found that your kids love.
In case you are wondering, flu has us all done. All but my wonderful husband who is taking care of us. Abby woke up sick this morning. I’ve never felt this bowled over as a mom. Really hard to navigate. It’s determined for me not to make my 365 day goal. I’m more determined to make it happen.
Oooh – I was looking for those magnetic gears – I can tell you I knew a 3 yo boy that was mesmerized by them for about 4 months on the ship. Super great! I am so glad you posted that link!
I really thought 4 years old was a hard year to buy for Abi because she was pretty content with everything she already had (dolls and books). Now that Lily is 4, it is pretty much the same story. We aren’t getting anything for Miles this year because we know he will get plenty from other relatives. Abi (7) is getting a guitar this year and Luke is very excited about it. Other than that she is getting mostly money and clothes. She has been saving for an American Girl doll, so will probably buy one of those soon after the holidays. We ran over Abi’s old bike, so lack a hand-me-down for Lily. Lily gets a bike this year and has been begging for one for some time so that should be a good gift!
Yeah – a lot of people say American Girl Dolls, but I don’t want to make the investment if she doesn’t care and doesn’t treat it special. Hey – Have you tried the balance bikes? Absolutely fabulous. I highly recommend one – great for Lily. We got one for Corban at 2, and they all love it.