Today I went up to their horribly messy room, and I shoved all the stuff that was scattered throughout onto half of the room. Then, I took some tape to divide it into the orderly side and the messy side. It was then time to bring the girls in to play a game. I assigned the oldest the messy side and the youngest the clean side. I said we were going to have a race. I was going to name something that I see on their side of the line. Then, I’d use my stopwatch (on my phone) to see how long it takes to find that item. Then, it’s the next person’s turn. Whoever finds their item faster gets a point for that round. Round over. Round two begins with a new item for each girl – taking turns as they go. Do as many rounds as you want. In the end of our game, the clean side girl had definitely won even though the messy side girl was older and much more calculated in studying the piles surrounding her. The messy side girl just got one point. The application was simple. When we live in a mess, it’s hard to find the things we need or want. When things are organized, you are treating your things with respect and it’s much easier space in which to live.
This is a fabulous way to illustrate orderliness! It’s so meaningful, Mama!
Thanks! I’m trying to fun moments that kids that might have an impact. Hopefully. Results yet to be determined. 🙂