You have found my introduction character building lesson about kindness. This is the foundation for all of the lessons, activities and resources to help you educate kids to be more kind citizens – within their homes, schools, neighborhood and world.
With a hurting people, teaching kindness in an intentional way is a must. Yes, as adults we need to model this behavior. However, it is also important to invest the time and energy to focus on educating the kids in our care about the beauty and benefits of kindness.
Character Building Education Series
You have discovered my character building education series. Here you will discover 52 different character traits to work on with kids, one for each week of the year. Explore all of the character qualities we work on here.
Once you have completed this initial lesson about teaching kids to be kind, I hope you will utilize all the other resources I have for teaching kindness to kids.
While this series is written by a Christian mom, there are lessons available no mater what your faith. If you believe it is important to teach your kids about being kind, you are in the right place.
Note: This character building lesson was originally written in 2012. I am currently working on cleaning-up, updating and enhancing this character education series. Please have patience with me as I update hundreds of old posts.
Introduction Character Building Lesson About Kindness
Subject: Kindness
Objective: Kids will discover the meaning of kindness and learn a Bible verse about this character trait. They will begin to understand why it is important to be kind.
Verse About Kindness
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32
The scripture above is the memory verse for our character building week about kindness. Work daily on this verse so kids can commit it to memory, thus writing the Word of the Lord on their heart.
Definition of Kindness
kind [/kīnd/] adjective – 1. of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person. 2. having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence: kind words. 3. considerate, or helpful; humane
Synonyms for kindness: goodwill, benevolence, benignity
Ask the following questions:
- What are some examples of people demonstrating kindness?
- Can you think of someone in your life that stands out as being very kind?
- Why is it important to be kind?
- What are some ways you personally remember showing kindness to someone?
Reason Kindness Was Chosen
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou.
We are called to bring all of our actions to the standard of trying to reveal the glory of God to others.
Think of enjoyable experiences you’ve had along this road of life that have brought you happiness. Often times, the root of that moment was the kindness someone showed you.
Kindness can make a huge difference in someone’s day, and we would love for our kids to be ones that breathe positive life into people’s lives like that. There is a lot of hurt and pain in the world, but we can have a great impact just by choosing a smile, kind words and kind actions.
Our world needs kind people.
At the beginning of each week of lessons, the craft will be exactly the same because we will simply be adding a new word to our already established word ring. As with all the 52 words we are working on for the year, the first task will be making a word card for our word ring and learning the Bible verse.
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Colorbok Designer Paper Pad, 12Sunmns 328 Pieces Glitter FoamLETION 66 A4 Paper Trimmer3Inch (12 Pack) Loose LeafOfficemate 1- Hole Punch, 5
Have your kids chose a paper style and sticker letter they think will look good together. Then, have them sound out the word “kindness.”
My kids took turns finding the letters we needed and sticking them on the paper…they’re kids – the letters will not be stuck on perfect.
Assist kids in cutting the paper to 9.5 x 3 inches.
Next, punch a hole in the corner and place the word paper on your binder ring. If this is not your first word created, use the other word cards as a guide for where to place the hole.
Each week, a new word will be added to the clip in similar fashion.
Next, write the Bible verse on the back. I did this for my kids since they were still young. If your kids are older, have them do it themselves.
The is the first day of our kindness week. We will spend this week learning the word, meaning and memorizing the scripture. There will be supporting lessons and activities to help develop kindness in children.
Want More Character Building Lessons About Kindness?
Kindness and the Domino Effect