Who doesn’t love a cute cupcake? These little lamb marshmallow cupcakes were actually designed as the next “craft” in my AWANA Cubbies series. This is the activity for Bear Hug #16, which focuses on the verse, “Jesus came into the world to save sinners…” – 1 Timothy 1:15. A lot of people are intimidated by the thought of church. We have a friend who says he can’t go to church with us because the building would probably catch on fire when he walked through the door. Man, he’s missed the point. Jesus came for sinners. He was actually pretty annoyed with the “holy” people. He made it clear that it is not the healthy that need a doctor. His heart for the hurting and lost is so evident. Today the Cubbies are learning about two parables. One of the parables is about the lost coin and about how if you lost money, you would go out and search and search for it until you found it. The other story is about a lost sheep. It talks about how the shepherd cares for his sheep and will go out and search for the one sheep who is missing. Jesus’ heart is for those who need him most. He isn’t unapproachable. He desperately wants people to be reconciled to him. I decided to make an edible craft for this week of Cubbies.
Here’s my thought process in coming up with the idea. Welcome to my head. “We should do a sheep craft. What would make a cute sheep? Cotton balls. That’s been done over and over. I want something unique. What else is white and fluffy? Marshmallows. We could glue marshmallows onto a printout or cut out piece of paper. That seems like a waste of food. Maybe we shouldn’t do that. Wait. Marshmallows are edible. Why don’t I make the whole craft edible?” And viola – lamb marshmallow cupcakes.
I baked a bunch of chocolate cupcakes and stuck them in the freezer for the day of Cubbies. I’ve said that I would prep all of the crafts, so I have all the materials, will pull out the cupcakes out of the freezer on the morning of AWANA to defrost them and make up some buttercream frosting. Beyond that, you will need Nabisco Oreo thin crisps, candy eyes (found at the craft store or in your grocery store), marshmallows and black licorice.
First, the kids can spread the frosting onto the cupcake.
Next, they can add on the Oreo crisp. On top of that they will add the eyes. The eyes will stay on with little dabs of frosting on the back.
Cut off little pieces of the black licorice for the ears. They can stick those on next.
After you stick those on, you will see that his cute little face is officially done.
The final step is to add the marshmallows all over the remaining top of the cupcake.
I’m pretty sure this is going to be the kids favorite craft. Who wouldn’t want to eat this cute sheep? You can find the grass cupcake liner on Amazon – Wilton Green Grass Shaped Mini Baking Cups, 48 Count
Here are some more cupcakes you might enjoy:
Peanut Butter and Jelly Cupcakes