It’s back-to-school time, and I know everyone is looking for fun ideas to make this time of year exciting and special. This year, I decided to do a back to school fashion show with my kids to they could show off their new clothes to their dad after our back-to-school shopping. I also have some great advice for back to school shopping that I hope you’ll check out.
I completely understand that I’m behind the blog timeline for sharing back to school stuff. However, I was out of town for two weeks before school started. We didn’t go school shopping until the day before school started. I still wanted to share what we have been up to for this time of year, for my sake (archives for my family) and for yours. You can just pin this idea for next year if it’s too late for this year. There’s no reason they can’t do a fashion show even though school has already started too.
We went back to school shopping with their grandma and aunts. They were in need of some new fall clothes that would fit, and it’s always fun to get some back to school duds. While we were shopping, their aunts recalled how they did a couple fashion shows when they were littler. They made their own stage, set it to music and made it a bit deal. I thought that sounded like a lot of fun, and the girls really wanted to do it as well. So, when we returned for shopping, we set to work on making our backdrop and runway. We set out all of their outfits and got an audience (dad) so they could show off their new clothes. They had a lot of fun learning to pose and walk. They loved having a captive audience to see their clothing finds for the new year.
How to Make a Fashion-Show Backdrop
Materials Needed to Make Backdrop
* Affiliate links added for your convenience.
- Plastic Table Cloth
- Painters Markers
- Foam Stickers – given to me courtesy of Craft Project Ideas
Using Elmer’s painter markers and foam stickers, we decorated a plastic table cloth. I wrote “Back to School Fashion Show,” and the whole family proceeded to decorate it however they wanted. We just hung this over the door. I have a bunch of floor samples we used as the runway. I lined the runway with ribbon to add extra definition.
We turned on some fun music and let the kids do their fashion show. They had a lot of fun with it. I put together a video so we could keep the memories for when they are older. I think they’ll have fun looking back. I would share it with you, but I would have to do it without music because of copyright issues. Therefore, I decided to leave it out because I think it would be pretty boring without a little music.
The girls were putting together the show, and little did I know that my son desperately wanted to partake. He grabbed a bunch of clothes from his own closet and was suddenly walking the runway with different outfits too.