Hi there! This is Stefanie with Simple Acres. This simple DIY Character Building Bucket List was inspired by the familiar summer bucket lists, such as the free printable one here, but with an educational twist that focuses on values.
I wanted to create something that not only keeps me accountable to create fun memories with my kids but also TEACHES them something! I value the gift and opportunity we get as parents to positively shape and mold these little humans God blesses us with! I truly believe life is for loving, as I mention here, and living life with love is a way that must be taught and led. This DIY will help you to do just that.
Materials to Make Character Building Bucket List
- Chalkboard Labels
- Chalk Pen
- Spray Paint of your Choice (I used a bronze hammered tone for a more rustic-vintage appearance.)
- Baby Food Jars (I used 20, although you could use as many or little as you would like.)
- Vintage Cola Crate (This is optional. I happened to have one with no purpose for it yet.)
Directions to Make Character Building Bucket List
First, I cleaned the baby bottles free of labels and glue. For the process that worked best for me, click here. Once my bottles were clean I laid my bottle lids out and sprayed them with two coats of paint, as pictured below.
Once the lids are dry, simply place labels on jars with the written words: love, share, care, give & kind on them. These were the words I chose for my positive character building inspiration. The end product is simple and can be used year round. The jars can easily be displayed on a shelf or dresser if you do not have a Cola crate.
I chose to then fill my jars with handwritten and painted quotes and verses. I love the excuse for art, as you can see here and in the picture below.
If you would like something quick and easy, feel free to use the free printables I created, which can be printed, then cut and placed in each jar. Place one quote/verse with a loving/kind act in each jar. You are now ready to create fun memories with your kids that also builds theirs character. These activities will help you mold them into loving, kind and caring little people! You can pull a verse, quote or act of kindness out of a jar to do once a week or when you are inspired. You can change out the quotes or ideas as needed to keep things fresh.
It’s Jodi here, the creator of Meaningful Mama. I am so grateful to welcome Stefanie from Simple Acres Blog here today. She is a talented and passionate woman who I’m getting to know as a friend. I hope you will take the time to follow her on her social media avenues and click around her blog for more inspiration. She also runs a blog store with her amazing artwork, jewelry and other accessories.
Hi there, I’m Stefanie from Simple Acres blog. My passion is to bring the journey of simplicity to others through focusing on the things that really matter….the ones you love, the dreams you BELIEVE, and living in the moment with true JOY! At Simple Acres you will find yummy foods, healthy living inspiration, art, DIY and family fun on our farm! Please come visit me at Simple Acres, here, and come to know me more personally on my Facebook fan page, Instagram and Twitter.