“Finally, be all like-minded, compassionate, loving as brothers, tenderhearted, courteous.” – 1 Peter 3:8
Definition: cour·te·ous/ˈkərtēəs/ Polite, respectful or considerate in manner.
Reason Chosen: My husband actually suggested this one. It has become quite clear to us that the girls are learning how to push each others’ buttons. They are not showing courtesy to one another. They are pretty good at saying “please” and “thank you,” but could use some more instruction on table manners and other polite behavior. We have a great method to help for interrupting, but we’ve had to work on that more lately. Overall, we just need some general courtesy into beginning to think of how our actions, voices and attitudes effect others around them.
Hi there! I like this idea & want to use it with my little one! 🙂 Was just wondering if you had a list of the character qualities & coordinating verses that you used available to share? Thanks so much!!
Thank you so much for asking, Amy. I just switched from Blogger to Word Press and am in the process of getting subcategories up under my bigger tabs. I just moved over the courteous activities for you so that you could access them easily. Just hover over the character development tab, and you will find the word courteous. Click on that and you should be good. Thanks for discovering and embracing the heart of my blog. Let me know if I can help you more.
Thanks so much for the super quick reply! 🙂 I was glad to find all of the activities there. I went back & re-read my first comment & good grief, maybe I should have been taking a nap instead of typing. That comment was kind of hard to follow! 🙂 Anyway, what I was trying to ask was if you have a file available for download or printing that has each of the character qualities & supporting verses?
Oh my – I think it was me who was taking a nap while reading. Your question was clear. I just answered it wrong. I don’t have a compiled list of those right now. I am working to transfer it all over and create all the sub-tabs under the character development tab, which I think would help you with what you want. All I have is our end of the year word ring, so it would take a bit to compile it. I was kind of winging it and would come up with my word right before the week began, so I wasn’t quite organized enough to do a list like you are asking. I wish I had been. Will you have what you need when I get the tabs up or would it help to have just a flat out list in another format? I could try and put one together for you.
I was thinking that if you already had it compiled I would start with the character qualities that currently need the most work and then move to those that are lower on the priority list. However, with that being said, Mamas already have enough on their plates without pulling stuff (& a lot of it at that!) together for a complete stranger. I will just wait until you have time to assemble it….and if that doesn’t happen, then no biggie. Thanks for being so gracious! In the meantime, I will just enjoy wandering around your blog. 🙂