Today we did a craft and game about David and Goliath. I chose to do this because I’m teaching the preschool kids tonight about David and Goliath, and I wanted to find an activity to accompany the lesson. I wanted to have one set of rocks accomplished beforehand, so the girls were able to help me prepare the lesson. I found this idea at The first thing the lesson will entail is reading the lesson from the “Jesus Storybook Bible.” I’ve already talked about this book on here, but if you don’t own it yet you gotta get it.
Materials Needed:
* 6 Stones (one larger than the others) – I got mine at the dollar store
* Paint
* Paint Brush
* Paper Plate as Paint Pallet
* Sharpie
First you paint the rocks all different colors. When they dry, you write the letters D-A-V-I-D on the five small rocks with the Sharpie. The five stones represent the five stones David grabbed to fight Goliath. Write a G on the larger rock to represent Goliath.
The craft is done, and you can begin the game. The goal of the game is to slide the smaller rocks into the larger rocks to knock it off the table. Another option is to put the largest rock in a taped off box and use the smaller rocks to try and hit it out of the box.
This is a really cute idea! I was looking for something to do at a David and Goliath birthday party. This might be perfect. 🙂