As I was talking to my husband about what to do this week and how to teach purpose, he said, “Well, everything has a purpose.” He is so right. Everything has a purpose and to teach the concept I decided to take the kids around and discover what the purpose of different items in our house are. This really helps them understand the term.
All we did was walk around, and I would say, “What is the purpose of this?” We’d come up with the idea and label it. I also kept saying, “See, everything has a purpose.” Above are just of the few items we labelled.
For your own enjoyment, I jokingly added my own.
I refuse to get a Major Distraction and Still have a 6-yr-old phone. Let’s see how long I last. I loved the little lesson! It will make their life so much easier knowing that they have an extremely important purpose to spread God’s word and to honor him!