Creating a Prayer Sheet for Kids
We tried to touch on a few the five components that can be part of prayer life in this activity. The left hand column has people that she is praying for, things she is thankful for and ways she wants God to help her. On the right hand side, she drew pictures of each prayer.
Children learn and express themselves through drawing. It’s a great way for kids to communicate when they don’t always have the words.
Although I’ve emphasized five components of prayer that can be taught to kids (praise, thanksgiving, intercession, confession and petition) it is important to teach kids that they can talk to God about anything at any time. There are good things to remember to do, especially when we remember to ask for forgiveness to clear things up with God before going in with a wish list. That said, I want prayer to come from the heart of my kids. I want them to know that they have a great God who cares incredibly for them.