Need a quick and fun activity for the kids? Glow stick bath! I bought these glow sticks at Michael’s for $0.49-$0.99 each. I snuck away to the bathroom before our evening bath time to get everything set. When the kids came in, there was a quiet excitement. It was a really cool experience. Normally, bath time has bath toys, and the kids are singing and a bit loud. There was this quiet calm as they experienced glow sticks in this environment.
I did this for Caleb while I was home!! 🙂 He loved it!
I need to meet that little guy, Karen.
We did this a while back when I saw it on Pinterest. We called it our outerspace bath. the kids still ask to do it. I used bubble bath which I normally don’t do but it made a really cool effect. I just bought 3 packs of 72 glow sticks off for $4.99 each. My kids liked it that much!!!
I was surprised I hadn’t seen it on Pinterest yet. My sister told me about it. I love the idea of doing it with bubbles. I Might need to buy the jumbo pack you’re talking about.
Me to
Great idea! Going to do this tonight for bathtime…they will love it!!
Let me know how it goes.
What a cool idea! I gotta try this for myself 🙂
Hey know. I totally thought about trying this for myself too.
Oh my gosh! First, this was the most eye catching photo at Gingerbreadblogs link party! What a great idea. I own a pumpkin patch and corn maze and have tons of these glow sticks. I can’t wait for my grandson to come over and surprise him at bath time. One thing we have done with glow sticks is cut them open and mix them with a little sand and then sprinkle it on the ground at night. It doesn’t last long…but it looks cool! I’m your newest follower.
That’s a fun idea, Danni. I like your blog too. Thanks for following along for the ride. I’m following you now too.
This looks like so much FUN!! What a creative idea that your kids must have LOVED!! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a GREAT weekend,
Beth =-)
Thanks for hosting, Beth. I hope you have a good weekend too.
We did this too and my kids loved it!!!
Cool! I’m so glad you do it. What’s not to love, right? 🙂
My goodness this is a wonderful idea! The little people in my life would love this. 🙂
Someone else suggested adding bubbles, and their kids pretended it was a spaceship. Sounds fun. Thanks for commenting!
Love this! We are hosting our first Kitchen Fun and Crafty link party this Friday (the 10th) and would love for you to share this! Feel free to stop by and grab a party button!
I’d love to link up with you. Thanks so much for letting me know about your party.
This is so super cute! My kiddos would go nuts over it! Would be delighted for you to link this up to Mop It Up Mondays at:
your newest follower
Thanks so much for finding me and letting me know about your link party. I enjoyed poking around your blog. I’m all linked up and buttoned back. 🙂
Right now they’re in the dollar section at target. 15 for a dollar- I just bought some!
Ooo…I’ll have to check to see if our Target has it too. The kids loved it. Thanks for sending it my way. Got your text today and had never seen that before. I’ll totally do that one too. Keep it up.
Back in ’99 my husband actually did this for ME! Ha ha! 🙂 We were newly married (and pre-kids) and he wanted to surprise me after work one day. He grabbed some orange glow sticks from work (military), and made a peach scented bubble bath. He made tons of bubbles, threw the orange sticks to the bottom of the tub and turned the lights out! It was amazing!! Normally I am not a bath person (I prefer showers) but that night I stayed in until I looked like a prune and the water was cold! I hope to be able to do this for my kids, just have to figure out how to not cause an excema flare up with them! 🙂
I had the same idea…I should do it. It’s so easy, and it really sets a cool mood. Thanks for sharing!
I just think my three boys will love this. Thank you for the great idea!
It’s just simple an fun. I hope you try it.
Oh my goodness… my daughter actually does this during bath time as well and she LOVES it 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday. Hope to see you again this week.
Oh, she does. It’s so fun, huh?
I LOVED this so much I featured them at TGIF this week ( – As this is your 2nd feature I have a special featured again button for you =-) Email me at livinglifeintentionallyblog so I can email you the code. And don’t forget to come stop on by and link up what you’ve been up to this week. Thanks for sharing your creativity with all of us!!
Beth =-)
This is GENIUS! I will be picking up some glowsticks soon. Thanks for sharing at Fabulous Friday! I will be featuring you tomorrow.
Thank you so much for the feature, Kelly. I’m glad you like the idea. The kids loved it, and yet it’s so simple.
I’ve discovered your blog through a Pinterest link and I love it! I have two girls that are similar ages to your kids (5 years and 18 months). This glow stick bath idea is brilliant…. We’ll have to try it. Thanks for sharing all of these great ideas with us.
I’m so glad you found me. I hope your girls have a lot of fun with this bath idea. You’re one behind in kid count – you have to keep up ;-). Thanks so much for commenting.