Today the girls were able to live out compassion. About half way through the day, Corban headed down hill. He was suddenly needy, had a temperature and was obviously not feeling well. I asked the girls what compassion would look like for both Corban and mommy who needs to take care of him. They didn’t respond much just disappeared upstairs to play. While upstairs, they cleaned up a little bit…hey, a little bit is a lot in my world. They made him cards and brought them down. They showered themselves. They gave him kisses on the heads and were so sweet. It was one of those days where you really feel like things are sinking in. That’s not every day for us. I don’t want to paint our family as what it is not. I was too tired to add to my post about walking in someone else’s shoes the other evening. I also didn’t want to take that time away from my husband. Part of that exercise was talking about what it might be like in daddy’s shoes. When he came home, it was a difficult, frustrating evening. It’s especially frustrating when you feel like you have prepped it well and have them on your team. Not so much. Days like today just put a spring back in your step as a mom. They are very encouraging. I made sure to compliment the girls like crazy. See if you can find a way to live out compassion today in your world. I just hope it’s not with a sick kid in your own life. There was a different plan today, but I had to be a compassionate mother and not run to the craft store.
Great kids! Well done, Abby and Kenzie! Get well soon, Corban.