Before people can understand how to truly forgive, they must experience what it is like to be truly forgiven. Perfect forgiveness comes in Christ alone. We believe that his sacrifice sets us free from our sins. Today, we did an activity to demonstrate this. We talked about sins, and I had the girls write down ways they had felt like they had done the wrong thing. We then talked about when we ask God for forgiveness, he completely removes our sins. We then took out our lists and went outside to burn them up so they disappeared. To be candid, there was a bit of drama as Abby was pretty upset I was burning up her work. I tried to explain that we didn’t want to hold on to our sins, but she wasn’t so convinced. You can see her below trying to blow it out.
“For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”
– Matthew 6:14