This is a great little game I picked up at a site for Children’s Ministry. It is about how we should not try and hide our sin from God. It’s not going to work because He sees and knows everything. He wants us to lay it at His feet and repent so that we can received the full grace He has intended. You write sin on a rock. I actually didn’t end up using the one above because I decided to put clear tape on the the rock and write on top of that. I wanted to be able to remove it at the end. I had the girls take turns hiding the rock. Then, we’d search for it. We had to do the “Hot or Cold” game to give some direction at times. It’s usually pretty easy with these two because they hide it and then stare right at it. After we played for a while, we talked about how you can try and hide sins from God, but it never works. Come to Him, and he gives grace. In the end, I removed the tape with the word sin written on it, and I handed them the rock showing how easily sins can be removed.