I have great news for you. My free superhero word bubble printable that you have been waiting for is now available. After getting my Superhero Party Post and Superhero Party Food Post live, I’ve already had a couple request for these printables, so I figured I should get on it and make them available to the masses. I hope you saw my invitation idea with printable as well. I still have a couple more posts to get live to help you plan your own superhero party, but I think this one today will be extremely helpful. When I was searching for superhero word bubbles, I only found ones available for purchase. I don’t like to do that to you. You’ve been my loyal audience, and I want to bring things to you for free. Now, some may call this stupid. Perhaps I’m not as much of an entrepreneur as I could be. However, I appreciate you. I appreciate you spending some time in my little piece of the web. I want to bring you these things to make life easier for you. So, today I bring you two printables. If you want to spread the love, I always appreciate you spreading the love by pinning this to Pinterest or sharing it on your own social media networks. That would be enough payment for me. I also invite you to visit my amazing superhero paper plate mask craft with free printable.
The first printable is a set of 6 large word bubbles highlighting the words bam, pop, pow, splat, zap and wham. I used them for the centerpiece of our superhero party table. I bought Dollar Tree Vases and used skewers. I just taped these to the skewer and to the vase so they would stand up straight.
The second printable is the word “POP!” that is at the the appropriate size for the popcorn containers I got from Party City. We loved having these treats on the food table.
I just cut these “POP!” superhero word bubbles and used double stick tape to stick them to the popcorn containers.
My talented husband was the one who created these superhero word bubbles, and I am so appreciative of his hard work and talents. This blog seriously wouldn’t be possible without him.
Hosting a Superhero Party? Here are Some Great Resources.
* Affiliate links provided for your convenience. Anything you purchase through these links helps to support Meaningful Mama and the free resources I provide. Thank you for choosing to support us.
There are some other great resources for parties that highlight the superhero word bubbles. I wanted to provide you with some of the products I found.
Superhero Sticker Roll – 100 pc
24 pc Superhero Sayings Bracelets
Ginger Ray Bunting – Pop Art Superhero Party Banner Decoration
Superhero Cupcake Picks and Baking Cups – 50 cups/50 picks
Ginger Ray Pop Art Superhero Ice Cream / Treat Tubs
Ginger Ray Pop Art Superhero Ice Cream / Treat Tubs
If you loved the word bubble superhero printable, I think you will love the free printable I made so you can make your own superhero paper plate masks. Check out the post here.
These are awesome! I might have to use them this weekend. Thanks so much!
You’re welcome. You can thank my talented husband. Do you have a superhero party this weekend?
Thank you, these are perfect as we are playing a super hero theme baby shower in july. i will also put them on the popcorn boxes and will use as table decorations.
thank you for making this available, it is very appreciated.
I’m so glad this is helpful. I hope your baby shower goes really well. Thank you so much for letting me know it’s going to good use. It makes the effort to make them worth it.
Thanks for sharing, Meaningful Mom!
I’ll be using the words for VBS in June.
Grammy from Texas
Yay! So fun that it will be used for VBS. Wow! You are on top of things! Blessings!
Hi there,
I love your ideas! My son is turning 5 in April. thanks for all the great ideas. Would you be able to tell me how you did your back drops? they are adorable.
Trish M
Hey Trish, I am actually in the process of writing a post about this at my site. I’ll try and remember to email when I get it up. Please check back on my site though since sometimes my brain forgets details like this. I have had so many Valentine’s posts I have wanted to et up that I have my cake tutorial and backdrop tutorial for the party in the works and haven’t been able to post it yet. Soon Soon! Thanks.
I love your super hero ideas! Doing a super hero theme for Relay for Life, American cancer society this year and was trying to print your word bubbles. The page with the word Pop printed easily but I can’t seem to print the 1st set of words. Is there a trick? Can you help!
I’m so glad these will be used for Relay for Life. What an amazing charity with fabulous purpose. That makes me happy…that is, if we can get them to print for you. I’m really not sure how to direct you. I just tried to click on the link, download them and print, and it did work. I am going to try and give you the link again here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/87x4xhinh3p84g3/Superhero%20Comic%20Balloons%20%286%20total%29.pdf. Does it pull up when you try and click on that link or the one on the blog? I am wondering if you see the PDF. If so, did you try and download it after that? I’m trying to figure out what step isn’t working for you so I can better help. Let me know.
I cant get the printable downloaded can you re send it?
Sorry you are having issues? Does this link work for you? It opens fine for me: https://meaningfulmama.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Superhero-Comic-Balloons-6-total-3.pdf – Thanks, Jodi!
Hi I am also trying to print the word art as i am doing a relay for life superhero theme as well in a month… i received an error when trying to connect to the link.
any suggestions?
thanks so much, love your site!
I am so confused by that. I am able to connect fine and download completely. Hmm…I’ll add the link here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/87x4xhinh3p84g3/Superhero%20Comic%20Balloons%20%286%20total%29.pdf – Let me know if that works for you. If it doesn’t, I’ll try and send the PDF straight to your email account.
Thank you to you and your talented husband!! These printables are awesome – and so are you for offering them for free!
You are so welcome. Thanks for commenting. I’m really glad they were helpful!
Thank you!!!!
I needed some printables like yours for Teachers Appreciation Week!
It is so good to hear they’re being used. I’m so glad it was helpful. Thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it.
hello! these word bubbles are exactly what I need for my sons birthday they are gorgeous! however when I try to download them its says the link has been disabled??? please help. thank you so much!
I’m so sorry you were having troubles. I’ve tried to fix the link. It should be working now. If it is not, please let me know. Thanks so much!
HI I love your ideas! my son is having his 6th birthday soon and I wanted to print the “pop” printables but the link states to contact owner because it is disabled. Could you please send me a corrected link? Thank you!!!
Yes – So sorry – There has been an issue with dropbox. I have to re-do all of my links, and I haven’t had the time. Here ya go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zeuvmtamalhx9sd/Superhero%20Comic%20POP%20layout.pdf I’ve fixed the link too. Thanks for the heads up!
These would be great for the upcoming I am helping decorate for, but I am unable to print them out. Can you just send me a PDF format? I absolutely love these for a suprhero theme…
This should be fixed within the post now. Dropbox was having some issues, and I have to now fix all of my links. Does this work? This should work: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u5bfnlcdiuot1py/Superhero%20Comic%20balloons.psd Please let me know if you have any more issues.
thank you so much!!! The link worked! I cant wait to use these for my son’s birthday at the end of the month!
Thanks so much for these! We used some on our Grandpa’s “super Grandpa” birthday cake. Very cute and fun!
I’m glad they’re going to good use. I hope your super grandpa has a super birthday!
Thanks so much for your post I found it when I was searching for centerpieces for our Relay for Life in Boone County, IL. Our theme this year is superheroes, and these will work great as centerpieces at the Survivor Dinner. I only have a black and white printer, but I;m going to print them out on colored card stock and hang them around our Track as well. I love reading your posts and keep up the great ideas, I’m sure to be picking your brain or your site again.
How fabulous to hear it is going to such a great cause. Thank you so much for letting me know. That brings joy to my heart.
Jodi – I love your ideas, i will be having my son’s 5th birthday party soon and your printables would work great. however, the links aren’t working for me. could you provide the link again?
thanks so much!
I’m so sorry. I have been having issues with dropbox. Hopefully this link works for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u5bfnlcdiuot1py/Superhero%20Comic%20balloons.psd – If not, let me know. I’ll figure out another way. Here’s the link to the popcorn one too: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zeuvmtamalhx9sd/Superhero%20Comic%20POP%20layout.pdf
Thank you very much for providing the link. I did find out that i wasn’t able to access the link through the computer, but i was able to download the file on my phone. that might be good information when troubleshooting the issue with dropbox.
thanks again,
Thanks for that info. I need to talk to my husband (my tech help) about how to provide things outside dropbox.
I am super excited to use the superhero word bubbles you and your husband created for my son’s 5th birthday party, and thanks so much for making them available for free!!! However, I am having trouble getting all of the word bubbles to download. When I click on any of the links you have provided through dropbox, I am able to download the BAM and WHAM but those are the only two that I can see. Am I missing something? Thank you again for these awesome ideas!
Ugh – so sorry. I’m just having major issues with drop box. I’m going to try and find another way to share publicly, but in the mean time see if this works. Please let me know: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rs5n1mg9fye5ol5/Superhero%20Comic%20Balloons%20%286%20total%29.pdf
This link worked great! Thanks so much!!!
Fabulous! Thanks for letting me know.
This party is adorable! Thank you for sharing this printable. I used it to wrap gifts when my daughter attended a superhero party recently. You can read about it here: http://wp.me/p2hp9V-11z
I found it through Pinterest – thanks again for sharing!
Thanks so much! I love how you used them. Thank you so much for linking back to my printables!!
Thanks soooo much for this prints, my son is turning 6 next week and i was going crazy trying to do something similar, this made my life so much easier…thanks thanks a lot
Your welcome. I’m so glad they are going to good use. Thanks for letting me know, and happy birthday to your son.
THANK YOU for sharing these word bubbles! these are exactly what I need!!!!! Bless you!
I’m so glad these were helpful. I hope you’ll be back for more resources. I really want to be creating content that helps moms.
Thank you so much for the printables. I have printed them, cut out and laminated to be stuck on the wall in my boys’ new Hero-themed games room (surprise Christmas present!) They look adorable and I know they’ll be loved for many years to come. Thank you 🙂
I love hearing this. How fun to know how they’re being used. Thank you for checking in, and you are welcome. 🙂
Thank you for the printables! I just printed them and will use them in a couple of weeks.
Yay! So glad it went to good use. Enjoy, and thanks for letting me know.
I am having a Super Hero party and this was so helpful. I want to thank you so much. My popcorn boxes turned out FANTASTIC 🙂 Thanks bunches
So cool! I’m so glad it was helpful. Thanks so much for letting me know. I hope it’s a great party.