Owl Bucket Craft
It was so much fun planning decorations for my daughter’s owl birthday party. This owl bucket craft was one of my solutions for party decor. I want to tell you how I came up with the idea to do the owl buckets. I had been brainstorming decor. When I was at my Mom’s in Prayer group, I saw a cool ceramic owl on my friend’s piano. It had a fairly flat head, and I began to imagine how cool it would be to have owls like this balancing food plates on their heads. However, I imagined it would be fairly expensive to find ceramic owls like this. On the other end of the piano I saws ceramic pot. I thought, “I could find some inexpensive pots at the Dollar Store, flip them upside-down and make my own owls. The owl bucket craft idea was formed. You’ll have to stay tuned to see how they look on the final food table.
Materials Needed
~ Buckets or Pots
~ Craft Paints
~ Sponge Brushes
~ Stencils
~ White and Orange Craft Foam
~ Large Google Eyes
~ Hot Glue
~ Pencil
~ Scissors
~ Spray Paint
Written Instructions
1. Collect buckets or pots. I found these tin buckets at the Dollar Tree. I wanted green, pink and purple. I found green, pink and blue. My first step was to spray paint the blue buckets purple. I wanted to match the color of my gift bags and printable fruit snack bags. You could spray paint any kind of pot or bucket.
2. The second step was to paint the wings. I cut out a wing template and traced around it with pencil. Then, I painted in my wing color. As you can tell, we needed to do a few coats. This is something the kids can help do.
3. After paint has dried, use templates to create patterns on the owl. I did a chevron pattern for the front feathers, doing a more monochromatic look. I did a contrasting color polka dot on the wings. Kids can help with this too.
4. I traced a small bowl onto white foam to create the outer eye. Then, I glued down the google eyes in the middle of that foam. The final thing was to cut out and glue on an orange triangle beak. I did this all with hot glue.
Love these cute bucket owls! These can make a great party decor or a fun party craft activity.
Thanks so much. We had fun making them and using them for our party!
I love this idea, I’m just curious as to what size bucket you used.
Oh man. It’s been a while, and I don’t think I have them anymore. If I had to estimate, I would guess about nine inches high and 7 inches in diameter at the top. I really hope that helps! Have fun with it.