I wanted to create these printable verses about joy for myself and for you. I was inspired to create these while doing my Bible Study this morning. I am helping lead our summer Bible study titled, “The Battle Plan for Prayer,” by Stephen & Alex Kendrick (affiliate link). This is a super good study about prayer, and I highly recommend it. I want to share with you how the Lord was working on my heart this morning and wanted to make these printable verses about joy. I have also made a Psalm 23 printable if that is one of your favorites.
As I was working this morning through the Bible verse Philippians 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God,” we were encouraged to write down what things create concern (anxiety/worry) in our lives, how we should be praying over those concerns and verses we can pray to help us.
In this process, I realized that a concern I have is how I can become overcome with gloom. You can see that sometimes I struggle with contentment as I have expressed in my posts, “I Have Everything I Ever Wanted, Why Am I So Unhappy,” “Help! I Have the Mom Blues,” and “I Lost Myself When I Became a Mom.” When you read these posts, you discover that I am not content in staying in my funk but rather offer hope as I work through these issues. I always wait to write posts until I feel like I have something to offer as encouragement. I always want to provide my “works for me” moments in life. I sometimes return the funk but am always determined to not reside there long.
I try and focus on my adult life verse Philippians 4:8-9, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is good, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” I have a printable for Philippians 4:8-9 here.
I call this my “adult life verse” because being joyful hasn’t always been a struggle for me. In fact, I would say “joy” would have been one of the major descriptive words for me when I was younger. I have always had a sense of excitement about life. I’ve always loved adventure, people, travel and had a somewhat Pollyanna view of the world. As an adult, joy has seemed more elusive, which is what leads me to create these printable verses about joy. Even though I’m needing to claim joy more than it has been occurring naturally in my life, I’m determined to keep joy in my grasp.
The question you may ask is what has robbed me of my joy? One of the new phrases going around the web is #IAmDoneAdulting. It’s a funny and catchy phrase, and I feel like claiming it often. I do believe adapting to adult life has been more challenging for me. Maybe I grew up a little naive. To suddenly be more aware of the pain and brokenness of the world – from the terror attacks, broken race relations, unnecessary poverty, corruption and knowledge of a fractured world and shattered families – it’s just disheartening. I always want to respond, “Why can’t we all just get along?” To understand the weight of raising kids in this world and finding parenting more challenging than I anticipated, there has been a bit of a shock to my system. To walk through lives with others and understand more the depth of hurt – in marriage, in friendships, in individuals and the past harm that was imposed on them – it’s just a lot.
Printable Verses About Joy
That’s a bit of a downer paragraph, but that is exactly why I have created these printable verses about joy. The world offers no hope, but I firmly believe their is hope in the Lord. I know the way out of my funk is always to draw closer to the source of hope, strength, joy and love in this life and beyond. When I let the darkness of the world overcome, it only means I am not claiming scripture, talking with God and reading God’s Word enough. The only reason joy seems elusive is because I’m not tapping into the source of joy enough.
I needed a resource to hang around my house to be reminded of how to make joy a more prominent piece of my life. I want to be a light unto the world, but that won’t happen if I let the darkness around me get me down. As I hang these reminders, it is a helpful way for me to memorize scripture and dwell on truth.
I hope these printable verses about joy also help your family claim joy, even as the world around use can feel discouraging. Join me in fighting against the gloom and bringing light and hope into broken lives.
Where did you purchase the bags and labels
Hello! I looked back at this post, and I’m not quite sure what you are asking. I don’t see any bags. The joy labels are there as a free printable. Just click on the link, and you’ll have the download. 🙂 Does that help?
Hello, I’m wondering about the andes candies that are in a clear bag with the label. I see in the article that the labels are a free printable, but where can i purchase the clear bags and how we’re they sealed?
Hi! Thanks so much for taking an interest in the Andes mint post. You did comment on a post about joy Bible verses, so I’m not sure if you saw the original post featuring the Andes mints, so I will add that link here: https://meaningfulmama.com/chocolate-mint-bible-study-invitations.html – This post contains full instructions with links to the Amazon products I purchased (under materials list), full instructions as well as the free printable I created. I hope that helps.
Can’t find a way to just print the the verses..The print button at the bottom brings up the whole article..
I’m so sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. Trying to finish up the school year with my kids and get on top of these things. The link is a little buried in the post. Here it is: https://meaningfulmama.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/May-the-God-of-hope-fill-you-with-all-joy-and-peace-as-you-trust-in-him-so-that-you-may-overflow-with-hope-by-the-power-of-the-Holy-Spirit..pdf – Let me know if that works. There are two different sizes within that link. Hope that helps. Let me know if you need more assistance.