Sometimes I get bogged down with yesterday.
I did it all wrong. My kids were a mess. I was a mess. I didn’t handle my parenting life with grace or patience. I yelled. I felt angry and took it out on my kids and my husband.
That was yesterday, but today is a new day. I can start over. I often say that to my kids. I must believe it for myself too.
Set a New Normal in Parenting
It’s simple, right? “If you change NOTHING, nothing will CHANGE.” The trick is to change. I know it’s harder than it seems, but I have experienced that it is possible. What happened yesterday does not need to dictate today. With God’s help and grace, I can improve in this challenging and yet rewarding task I’ve been given to raise these little ones.
Let little things inspire you. What will motivate you to make a change in your parenting? Do you see areas in which you are lacking or need improvement? I sure do.
Imagine you are watching someone else’s children for the day. When I do that, I feel a need to be more “on.” I am more scheduled, intentional, engaging and present. Why do I sometimes fall into a rut with my own kids, whom I love and care about so deeply? Why do I have energy and patience when I’m teaching preschoolers at church but sometimes fail in those areas at home?
I have been told this blog makes me come across as super mom. I feel like that is far from truth, and it’s not what I ever intend to present. Let me tell you now there are ways I need to set a new normal in my own home. I hardly feel like a super mom.
I started the blog to be inspired. I continue it to remain so. I still need to look at my home – what is working and what isn’t? I still need to pray and humble myself to admit and change the ways I fail…daily. A couple things I have going for me is that I want to do better, and I’m teachable. These are two important traits in parenting.
The rut you have been in doesn’t need to be where you stay. I hate to steal an old slogan, but it really comes down to one simple phrase: “Just do it!”
I want to inspire you to set a new normal in the things that matter most.
- God – How can I talk to him more often? How can I dig deeper into his Word? How can I love deeper and serve more like he has called me to do? The more grounded I am in Him, the more I have to give out to my family.
- Spouse – How can I show my spouse love and respect? What am I willing to sacrifice to make our relationship be better? Am I following this important rule?
- Kids – Where do I lack consistency? What am I showing the kids are my true priorities? Am I being meaningful, intentional and present?
Realize the value in what you are doing. Make today the beginning of a new normal. I hope you will join me in the pursuit of change.
This post was originally written in December of 2012. It was revamped and republished in October 2016.
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