Teaching kids how to be generous is a compilation of the activities and lessons that are found in my character building education series.
It’s this time of year where we hear a lot of “I want…” statements from our kids. I would hate for Christmas time to be centered around teaching my kids to be selfish.
Christmas is about Jesus coming into the world and doing the opposite of me, me, me. He came to demonstrate what it means to be a servant. With His example, we recognize that teaching kids how to be generous is a better message that should ring out loudly.
The lessons, however, can be taught throughout the year using the activities found in this character building series. We do that by demonstrating it, but we also do it by intentionally teaching through books, activities, and crafts.
About my Character Building Series
Todays round-up ideas are taken from my character building series and can be found under the generosity tab. If you are new to my character building series, let me tell you a little bit more about these lessons.
If you check out my character building tab, you will discover 52 character traits we work on throughout the year, which equals one word per week to focus on with your kids. Hovering over the tab will reveal all of the words.
Each character trait has 7-9 lessons, so if you wanted to work on character daily, this can be an amazing resource.
This year, I have been focusing cleaning up my character building education series by presenting the lessons to you be compiling all of my lessons on a particular week, this week focusing on generosity.
In this series, you will find a word, definition, scripture to memorize, book lists and a number of activities and crafts related to the topic. I have also included links to other bloggers who have lessons on the trait. I hope you are inspired to work on building character with your kids because being intentional in your parenting will help give great direction to both you and your children.
Teaching Kids How to Be Generous
Not only have I compiled my own crafts, activities and resources about teaching generosity, but I also have searched the web so that I could give you a variety of ideas to equip you on your parenting pursuits. There are great bloggers and online resources about generosity, so I hope you feel like you have what you need to help your kids be more giving.
Meaningful Mama Resources for Teaching Kids How to Be Generous
- Generosity Word Ring
- Generosity “I Will” Statements
- Generosity in Books Part 1
- Generosity in Books Part 2
- A Giving Experience
- Hands on Generosity with the Food Bank
- Teaching Older Siblings to Serve their Younger Siblings
- Teaching Generosity with the Rainbow Fish
- Movies that Teach Generosity
- Character Building Bucket List
Other Online Resources for Teaching Kids How to Be Generous
Sharing food with the needy – kids hands with a slice of bread
- Teaching Kids to Serve – Part of being generous is being generous with your time. Together with Family gives a number of ideas of ways family can serve together.
- 35 Service Activities for Kids – Kid World Citizens provides us with 35 service activities.
- 33 Service Activities – Millions of Miles also provides ideas for serving.
- 30 Ideas for Gratitude and Giving – Here are some more great giving ideas from Edventures for Kids.
- Hunger Awareness Activities – Generosity is often inspired with awareness of hurt and need. Bits of Positivity provides us with great opportunities for understanding hunger issues in the world.
- Bringing up Children Who Have a Heart to Serve – Club 31 Women gets to the heart behind generosity and service.
- Instilling the Value of Service in Our Kids – Thank you, What’s Up Fagans? for a post emphasizing the importance of instilling the value of service in kids.
- Parenting a Hurting Child: Teach them to Serve – Here’s a great post on service from Not Consumed.
- Money Saving Mom gives us 5 Ways to Teach Your Children to be Givers
- Teachers Pay Teacher has a The Giving Project, which is a literacy unit that teaches students about generosity
- The Jar of Sacrifice is a fabulous idea provided by the House of Hendrix.
- Teaching Kids About Giving to Others – A Cookie for Dinner has a great resource on giving for you!
I am hoping that as you focusing on building character with your kids you feel inspired by your purpose as a parent and/or educator.