Paper Punch-Out Lanterns
I have fun news to announce today. I have become a writer for Kid’s Activities Blog. My first post for them are these paper punch-out lanterns. It was exciting to be approached by Holly Homer, the blogger at Kid’s Activities Blog. I follow her YouTube channel, and I have learned a lot from her about blogging. I see her has a blog mentor, and so it is an honor to now be working for her.
I am sending you over to Kid’s Activities Blog to get the full tutorial for these lanterns. Actually, whenever I am writing there I will be doing a teaser at Meaningful Mama that will hopefully lure you to KAB to learn more about the project. I do want to give you a little background for creating these lanterns. It was kind of an accident and not initially an intended project.
Around Easter, I decorated our Easter eggs with paper punch-outs as shown above. You can click back to see how we created these eggs. Part of creating these designs was finding scrap paper to use. I went to my scrap paper bin to pull out the colors I wanted. In that bin were pieces of paper already cut like a lantern. I have no idea when I had made these before. I found them on the bottom and really don’t remember when they were used. I decided to use this paper because of the colors and began punching away. My daughter’s came up and opened up the lantern once it was full of holes. I looked over at the lantern and thought, “That looks super cool.” As is happening in my world all the time now I said to myself, “That’s a blog post.” Once Easter was over I made the craft more intentional with my kids. They had a lot of fun doing these, and it’s been great to see them decorating their forts with them ever since.
I hope you join me in my enthusiasm for writing for Kid’s Activities Blog and show your support by popping over there when I write for them. I will be a writer for them at least four times a month and will be always be bringing you a snippet right here at Meaningful mama.
Congratulations! That is so exciting. I love Kids Activities Blog and Holly and Rachel are awesome. You have great ideas so I’m sure you will make a great addition to the site.
Thank you so much. That is really sweet of you to say. It should be pretty fun writing for them, and it is great to expand my circles a bit.
Congratulations, Jodi! So exciting!
Thank you so much, Kristen. It’s an exciting new adventure in blogging.