Thanks everyone for enjoying the blog and posting your thoughts and success stories. Please email or comment with any stories or pictures.
I’ve been really encouraged by seeing people who have been inspired by the blog. It’s so cool to hear your success stories and see people doing activities, crafts and character development with their kids. I wanted to share some of the things I’ve seen. I’ve been trying to make things here accessible and do-able. Looks like some have grasped that.
Becky wrote, “Inspired by Jodi to be meaningful in my parenting with the precious little time I have with the kids. Ben and I made the banana bread on her blog…Ben had such a good time baking the banana bread, he wants to keep baking.”
Krystal wrote, “We adapted it since we only had one muffin tin… And penny’s are way too loud! So we did puffballs! Addition facts and multiplication! 🙂20 min latter Caden now has multiplication of 3’s down & Gunner got his +1’s down faster. I loved the idea and I am always in search of things that can help us in the classroom!”
Trina wrote, “Hi! I love this post! I too remember the Be Patient song as a child from Music Machine. Can’t wait to show the you tube video to my boys. Thanks for sharing!” and “Awesome idea! I need to practice teaching patience more instead of just telling my boys to ‘be patient’ Thanks for the reminders and tips!”
Happyscrapper42 said, “So stinkin cute! Can’t wait to try the spaghetti and meatballs for my little princess who does not like ‘red sauce’ how did you make the eyes?” – I replied that the eyes were a gift. They are a Wilton product.