This Angel Craft – AWANA Cubbies Bear Hug #12 is the next craft in my AWANA Cubbies series. Although I’m on time in getting these to my own church, I apologize I don’t have these up sooner for those who are following along. I am going to try and get number of these up quickly for you. Will you please write and let me know if you are relying on these for your own Cubbies series. That would be some motivation. Now I know that angels feel a little Christmas, and you definitely can save and pin this craft for Christmas. However, those teaching and following along with AWANA know that the angel visiting Mary to tell the good news about her pregnancy and womb housing the son of God is the focus of Bear Hug #12. Therefore, we celebrate today by creating an angel for your kids to help remember this story.
Materials Needed:
* Cone printable (My husband had originally made these for my ice cream cone hats. He was wise enough to save a blank version as well as the ice cream cone version) These are free!
* Paper Doily (8″ diameter) – I purchased mine at the Dollar Tree, but Amazon has them too
* Tape
* White glue or Mod Podge
* Wooden Beads – 1 inch round (25mm)
* Thin Sharpie or Marker
*Pipe Cleaner (silver, white, yellow)
Print out the cone printable I provided in the link above. Cut it out. You will want the markings to be in the center of your cone. I think the best way to attach the edges is tape. Glue would take too long to dry, and you’d need to hold it there for a while unless you have a hot glue gun on hand. If you use tape, the kids can help put the tape in place.
The kids can draw little faces on the bead. They can also fold the pipe cleaner in half, thread it through the wooden bead and then open in up to create the halo on top.
The next step is to paint the white glue onto one of the 8″ doilies.
You will wrap this around the cone. Either of these looks would be fun for the front or the back. You can let the kids decide which way they like it.
The next step is for the kids to fold another doily in half. They can glue the two halves together. Then, have them put a stripe down the center of the folded doily so that it can be glued to your cone like shown below:
There you have your cute angel meant to represent Bear Hug #12 for AWANA Cubbies.