The smell of vomit seems impossible to remove, but I have the perfect recipes for how to clean the vomit smell from carpet, furniture, car and anything else…including stuffed animals. Until you found this recipe, you may have felt like nothing works. From the reviews, you will notice this recipe to clean-up vomit actually has real and lasting results!
How to Clean the Vomit Smell from Carpet, Furniture, Car and Anything Else – Here are the Answers!
For the stuffed animals, clothing, car and even carpet try this unbeatable recipe for cleaning vomit
- 2 cups hydrogen peroxide (the kind you put on cuts)
- 2 tsp baking soda
- 2 drops liquid dish soap
Mix all three ingredients together so the baking soda dissolves. You can then soak the items in this mixture.
For cleaning the vomit in the car or the carpet, simply saturate the area with the vomit removal recipe. Press with towels or rags. Repeat if necessary. After treatment, you can also sprinkle with baking soda and vacuum up later.
This solution for cleaning up vomit from carpet, stuffed animals, clothing and car has not discolored anything I’ve used it on. It may make the smell seem stronger at first, but it’s only because it’s getting the vomit wet again and agitating it. The smell will go away and not return after treatment.
This recipe for cleaning vomit also works on urine (kid or pet) and spit-up.
How to Clean the Vomit out of Sheets, Clothes and Larger, Washable Items
Soak larger items in a good amount of Borax and 1 cup or more with your regular detergent. Just let them soak for a couple of hours in a bucket or sink and them wash them as normal. This was my first introduction to Borax, and it worked like a charm.
20 Mule Team Borax Natural Laundry Booster 65 Ounce pack of 2Hydrogen Peroxide Antiseptic Solution 16 Oz
Dawn Soap, Blue, 21.6 Fl Oz , 2 pk
Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, 16 Oz ,Pack of 2
More Thoughts and Personal Thoughts About Cleaning Up the Vomit Smell from Carpet, Furniture, Clothes, Cars and Stuffed Animals
Isn’t in the worst feeling as a mom? It is the middle of the night. Suddenly, your child comes down crying because she or he has thrown up all over the bed.
I remember the first major throw-up time with my oldest like it was yesterday. As a mom, you feel awful for your child who is experiencing throwing up for the first time in their lives. It’s the middle of the night, so you are also battling your own tiredness and have no desire for the stench or the clean-up that you now face.
You walk into the room and the smell of vomit greets you immediately. Ugh!
That one night, I remember looking into her bed and seeing puke everywhere. Everywhere! The poor girl had let her stomach go. It covered her favorite stuffed animal, sheets, comforter pillowcase and pillow.
My daughter’s things were all covered in vomit, and did I mention it was the middle of the night?
My husband doesn’t do well with the smell of vomit. If I’m not careful, I’ll have two pukers on my hand, so I handle it. We have many amazing dads out there, but I know this is often a mom job! I’m sure you fellow moms have all been here.
I get my daughter in the tub to wash her off. Next, it’s time to fetch new pajamas and get her into our bed with a bowl and my husband. Always lay a towel down underneath to save your sheets and protect from germs.
Next it was up to the room to take care of the situation. I take the sheets to the bathroom to spray them down in the shower, removing the chunks. Is this too much information yet? Maybe. I just wanted to give you some ideas for dealing with the vomit that enters your own world. Sorry if I’m making you nauseous in the dialogue.
The final step (or so I think) is to throw everything in the wash.
The next morning, I open the washer just to be visited by the same smell that haunted me the night before. So, I run the load again. Nothing. I tried a different detergent. No luck.
So, I do what any good mom does. I complained about it on Facebook. In came my solution. A friend from high school responded with a couple recipes she said would work like magic. I have been extremely grateful for this recipe ever since.
One other reason I was extremely appreciative of this recipe is because she had thrown up on her favorite stuffed animal that she had since she was a baby. I really wasn’t convinced I was going to be able to remove the smell after trying so hard with other methods prior to this magical vomit recipe. This solution for cleaning up vomit worked on the first try!
The recipe for removing the vomit smell out of anything and everything has been clutch, and from the comments I seen, it has been helping many. Helping others on this parenting journey is the goal of this blog, so I get all those warm and fuzzy feelings just by knowing how to remove the vomit smell from carpet, furniture, car and anything else and passing that information on to you.
Another personal mom note: I do also have to say that I never imagined how much I would get puked on in the face as a mom. OK – So, it’s only happened a few times, but that is enough. My problem is that when I can tell my children are really sick, I become very compassionate.
I wouldn’t say I’m hugely compassionate as a mom in normal circumstances. I’m not a coddler and tell my kids they are strong and brave and try and get it under control when minor boo boos hit.
However, there is no other time I feel more compassionate than with a genuinely hurting child over legitimate reasons. So, when my kids are sick, I’ll often lay them in my bed and cuddle up close so I can stroke their hair, look at their hurting face and pray for them.
That’s when it happens.
The vomit comes straight for my face. I’m learning. Last time I did this exact thing with my middle daughter. Then, I heard her stomach churn, and I jumped up and ran to the kitchen for a bowl. We saved both my face and the house from the dreaded puke.
Tips for Being Ready to to Clean the Vomit Smell from Carpet, Furniture, Car and Anything Else – Works for Urine and Spit-up too!
- Keep a ton of peroxide and Borax on hand. The peroxide gets out blood and chocolate without bleaching anything also. My friend told me about the Borax. It is also the key ingredient for getting out the musty, mildew smell from towels.
- Keep a bucket in the laundry room or garage that is easy to find and grab. When you have a vomit, urine or spit-up incident, fill it with water and the Borax and toss all the things they spit up on and let it soak for two hours or more. My friend who gave me this recipe says, “I never had a permanent stain after that.”
- Hold your stomach. Wait for it. Clean-up the vomit chunks from the carpet using a spatula. Then, treat the carpet with the recipe provided.
- For most things, we try and be chemical free in our home. However, there are some big jobs like vomit, urine and spit-up that require something more intense. With the infrequent use, I am comfortable seeking a more chemical solution.
- The minute a kid says they have a tummy ache, get them a bowl. You can prevent a lot of clean-up just by being diligent about this.
- When you have a puker, lay a towel over surfaces where they touch. They often curl up on the couch, so to protect the area as well as prevent germs, I simply lay a towel down and have them rest on top.
- PLEASE: Keep all of these cleaning items out of the reach of children.
So, there you have it. Sorry for such a detailed account. You can just be grateful you have these recipes in your arsenal now.
Want More Clean-up Tips and Other Crazy Good Recipes for Cleaning?
Best Recipe for Getting the Musty Mildew Smells out of Towels
Clean Bathroom While Kids are in the Tub
Note: This post was originally written and published in 2013. It was updated with photos and formatting to bring the best possible user experience in 2018. The recipes did not change since this is a tried and true solution to vomit clean-up.
I completely understand, about getting vomited on. But, mine don’t get me in the face…nope that’s worse. Mine on three occasions, different children…throw up down my shirt. Now, this might be understandable if I was endowed more, or wore lower cut shirts, but I was wearing tshirts. They rest their heads on my neck….and then it gets scary. Poor kiddos. I’m grimacing and laughing…though I hope it never happens again. Praying actually.
You just saved my life with this post! Thank you!
That’s so good to hear. I’m glad it worked for you! Sorry you’ve had sickness in your home.
Yup this post is a life saver 😉
So glad to help!
Thanks Michelle for the laugh. I’ve been there plenty of times too. After the kids got older, baby spit up seemed so mild, compared to the real thing when kids got older. I’m the one now with a strong inability to deal with cleaning up vomit. I’m the one who starts gagging. My husband poor guy gets clean up duty for that. I would be right there adding to it. With four kids and occasional sickness, I told them they better get to the toilet and fast or they would be cleaning it up.
Ha! Puke is no phone for anyone. 🙁
This tip worked so well!! My son vomited on his bedroom carpet! I scrubbed, shampoo’ed, used essential oils and Lysol to no avail, the smell remained!!! I doubted this would work but it seriously did!!! I put the ingredients in a spray bottle, sprayed the whole section and rubbed it in with a sponge. Almost instantly the smell was gone!!! Thank you so very much!!! ?❤️
Yay! I love hearing other people’s success with this recipe. It is so great to hear that I’m able to help so many in a pretty yucky situation. Thanks for commenting.
I am so trying this tonight on an ottoman my dog threw up on. I have tried everything, I hope this works . I really don’t want to throw it out.. I will let you know.
I hope it works too! Please do let me know!
just used this- ick!!! Hope I don’t have to use it again
Milk Bee Gone
Check it out! Great product for kids milk spills and vomit
Great product
This morning, you are my hero. Toddler with a wicked gag reflex + a coughing fit in the night equals beloved bear covered in you.know.what. So far, bear no longer smells.
Oh, I’m so glad to hear that, and I’ve been there. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with some coughing and nastiness right now! Good to know others have the same results I did.
I’m wondering if you have any more advice. my 15 month old vomited in his bed and i didn’t know it until the morning. it was dry and stunk terribly. i’ve washed sheets, dust ruffle, favorite blankets, and they are good, but the smell is still in the room! we had the window open and fan going but it is 20 degrees and raining. any thoughts?
I would say the fan and open window is the best idea. If you could have the baby sleep in a different room for a day while you keep that room freezing would be my best thought. Sorry I’m not more help.
Try a nice smelling essential oil like lavender,spray lightly over the floor n wipe,,if carpeted,sprinkle baking soda lightly and vacuum when oil dries up,,hope it helps
Thanks so much for contributing to help find solutions. I’ll keep that in mind for next time.
THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!! We just had our whole family of 5 get the flu! I was so scared as a mommy that I wouldn’t be able to save their favorite stuffed animals, mostly because they cannot be submerged due to internal electronics. So I used the peroxide, dishwasher detergent and baking soda in a spry bottle. Sprayed them til very damp and dripping. Next I used a clean dry towel to blot the barf spots and they came right up!!! Just did them a second time. First time was for the gunk and stink. Second time was just to be sure to “sanitize” them and they are air drying over the tub as I post this. Hoping this isnt just a dream that it works!!!
I really hope it works for you too, Josie. It saved ours, and I was so grateful to get the recipe from a friend. Sorry you are all sick. Absolutely no fun at all! Blessings.
Can’t wait to try this! My 18 mo old twins just had puking flu last night making for a happy new year.. Fave bunny anywhere chair smell after washing twice. Gonna go to the store as soon as dh gets up.
So sorry that is how your New Year began. Let me know how it works. I had great success and hope you have the same experience!
Thank you much! Never got out of the house to get borax but did the hydrogen peroxide mix and worked great! All smells gone.
Thank you so much! Never got out of the house to get borax but did the hydrogen peroxide mix and worked great! All smells gone.
Hi! I just tried this after multiple failed attempts of scrubbing our rug and couch with dish soap and laundry detergent. I should have asked before I did this and in the future will have a spray bottle on hand for this but do you just poor it on the carpet and couch? Do you let it dry or let it sit and then Try to scrub it up? Thanks for the recipes! I have high hopes that its going to solve our problem!
I have only had to use it on stuffed animals and blankets since my kids haven’t hit the carpet or furniture yet. I think I would poor it on the carpet, let it sit for a bit, add a little water to moisten it again and scrub. I’d then sprinkle some baking soda and vacuum. That’s just my intuition though. This was a friend’s recipe that she wrote out for me. I would let it soak into the couch a bit and then scrub. I would encourage you to test in a hidden spot. Although she assured me she has never had issues, I think it would be a safe bet. Good luck. Please let me know if it works, and I’d love to know your methods too.
I’m returning to get the recipe yet again for the same kid that threw up in the same spot as before. I apologize for not returning and responding previously. This worked amazing! Last time all I did was pour it on the affected areas, let it soak for a while and then scrubbed it with a wet cloth. I did clean all the chunks up first by sprinkling homemade washing powder on the areas and vacuuming. Now I am off to whip up the recipe and start the soak! Thanks again for this life saving recipe. Also, I had NO discoloration in my couch or rug previously!
Thank you for following up!! I have carpet to deal with and wasn’t sure how to do it….
You are welcome. So glad to help.
Great post Jodi! Just found your blog. Love it and will be giving some of this a try. We are going through our own flu episode right now. UGH!
No fun on the flu side of things, but I am glad you found me. Let me know how it goes, and I hope you all get better really soon!
Has anyone tired it on a couch???
There was someone that was going to try, but I haven’t heard a report yet. If you do try, I would spot check. Please do report back if you try it.
It didn’t mess up the coloring of our couch! So we did it and now it smells much better! Thanks for the helpful tip!
That’s good news. I am glad it was helpful! I hope you are all on the mend.
You are a superhero for this! After trying everything, this worked immediately! Thank you! Thank you!!
Yay! What a good report. Thank you so much for sharing your success. It helps others choose whether to try it or not.
FANTASTIC!! Just used the peroxide and baking soda cleaner on my leather couch. Our 6 year old vomited all down in the cushions and saturated the cloth underneath. Tried a few cleaners with no luck. Just used this ONCE, and the smell is 100% gone!!
Yay! Another successful report. I’m so glad this worked for you. You can pass on the recipe to your friends. It seems to have been helpful for a lot of people.
Last night our 7 YO saturated the couch and carpet. I used a wet vac to remove the mess and sprayed everything down with an ammonia/water solution. My hope was to neutralize the stomach acids and that would eliminate the odor. The room no longer reeks but I can still smell it on the couch. I’m applying the peroxide/baking soda solution tonight in hopes of killing the lingering reminder.
Please report back and let me know if it works. Thanks so much! Good luck, and I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. No fun!
I sprayed everything with the peroxide/baking soda solution just in case my sniffer had accliimated to the odor or the lingering scent of ammonia was masking it. I even removed the cushion covers and treated the foam and batting. I never dreamed a munchkin could hold anywhere near that much. Unless, perhaps, it just looks like an awful lot when spewed across the living room. I’m so glad we had a 32 oz bottle of peroxide.
Thank you.
Yay! Another success. I am so happy to hear this. Thank you so much for coming back to follow up. Super helpful to others!!
My couch and carpet had been blessed by my sons stomach virus. It’s been over 24 hours, and I know my husband wasn’t as thorough as I was hoping. I have a sinus infection so I can’t smell very well, but when I can I smelled it. So tonight, I was finally able to get the ingredients. I think I was able to cover the areas that were “blessed” and we shall see.. I will report back.
Thanks so much for reporting back. I know a lot of people have had success with this. I hope it helps you too, and I’m so sorry for all the sickness over there. Life is just hard when everyone isn’t well. I just saw a friend taking funny Photo Booth (Mac thing) computer pictures of themselves on a sick day. Maybe something like that would cheer everyone up. 🙂
My friends daughter came to my home the next morning and I had explained what happened and what I did to clean everything. Said she couldn’t smell anything. I still don’t have my sense of smell back yet. The internet is a wonderful thing. Thank you for saving my couch!
This worked like a dream on our living room rug! Thank you so much. So glad I found your site. Also, for the issue of lingering smell in the room, I have found that a glass of white vinegar up on a shelf out of the way for about a day works well in addition to the fan and open windows.
Another great report. I’m so happy this recipe has been such a good help for people. Thank you so much for reporting back here. It is really helpful for others who might want to try it. Hope you’re all hewing.
My daughter threw up all over my car. I did everything and anything I can think of to get rid of the smell and nothing work!! It has been a week since she threw up but the nasty smell still lingers in my car. Its disgusting! until i read your post. Tried it right away and it worked!!! THANK YOU sooooooo much for sharing your info!!
I love hearing this! What a great report. I’m so glad it worked. The smell is awful. Thanks for putting a smile on my face.
The stomach flu ran ramped through my house this week. My daughter vomited all over the couch and I can not get the smell out! It is driving me crazy. I have tried many different cleaners on numerous occasions. Tonight I tried your mixture. I really hope that it works.
I really hope it works too. Sorry you’ve all been sick. A lot of people have reported really good results, so I have high hopes.
The smell is gone and you are amazing! Thank you! Thank you!!!!
Such great news. I am so glad it worked. Thanks for checking back!
Just had my family of 6 get over the flu. My daughters room is the worse. Just cannot get the smell out. I’m so glad I found this site! I first tried the remedy on an old mildewey smelling rag n it worked like a champ. Off to my daughters room. Wish me luck everyone!!!!!
Good luck! Another success story – how fun. Well, kinda fun. I’m sorry you’re going through the sickness. That’s never fun. I’m just glad you found my recipe! Thanks for commenting!